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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 80

Chapter 80

Corinne looked calm as she gave Jeremy a sarcastic smile. “What’s wrong? Are you thinking I’m suspicious, too?”

The corners of Jeremy’s lips quirked upward. “Suspicious of what? Suspecting you’d sell yourself to a lousy man as your graduation present?”

Corinne was startled at first, but she regained her senses and rolled her eyes. ‘Can’t he tell what situation I’m in now? Why does he still have the luxury to tease me? Though, does that mean he’s not doubting me?’

She ignored Jeremy and looked at the officer. “Sir, what do you need me to do to cooperate with the investigation?”

The policeman sternly instructed, “Please follow me.”

“Corinne…” Pamela grabbed Corinne’s arm worriedly.

Corinne smiled back at Pamela while feeling sorry. “Sorry, Grandma, but I guess I can’t bring you to dinner today.”

Pamela was shocked. “Corinne, are you really…”

Corinne said nothing and followed the officer to the interrogation room at the back.

When she walked past Francine, Francine smiled as if she was victorious and gloated, “Corinne Carew, do you think you can escape just because you went back home and pretended none of this happened? Justice has long arms. You can fool others, but you can never fool me!”

Corinne stopped and looked at Francine calmly. “Francine, why are you so sure I’m the escort? do you have any evidence in your hand? Why don’t you tell the officer?”

A guilty feeling flashed through Francine’s face. She then snorted as if she was not affected by what Corinne said. “I didn’t see it, and I don’t have any evidence to prove it. It’s my instinct telling me! Are you still trying to deny it? I’d like to see the look on your face after the officer verifies what I’ve said is the truth!”

Corinne said nothing further. She lowered her head and followed the officer into the interrogation


Since everything turned out the way she wanted, Francine was extremely happy. She said confidently, “Jeremy, Grandma, just wait. You’re about to see the real Corinne Carew!”


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