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The Day I Kissed An Older Man novel Chapter 84

Chapter 84

Francine was brought into the interrogation room by the officer for questioning, which lasted more than 20 minutes.

When the officer left the room, Tommy went over to ask about the details on behalf of the Holdens. He returned to Jeremy and Pamela to report the information he received.

“Sir, Ma’am, the police concluded their investigation. Miss Francine colluded with a middle-aged man called Richard Channing to set up Miss Corinne today. The police had found evidence of them contacting each other using their phones. Miss Francine agreed to bring Miss Corinne out of the house to the shopping mall, where they’d later team up to knock out Miss Corinne, bring her to the hotel, and set her up like an escort while setting up a man to assault her.

“Miss Corinne happened to have lost her wallet and phone, and a woman who wore the same clothing as Miss Corinne found her lost wallet and phone. Thus, Richard Channing got the wrong person. He put a bag over the woman’s head, knocked her out, and brought her to the hotel. Fortunately, the plan ended there.

“The man who paid for this service didn’t touch the woman. The woman the police arrested is also not an escort. Nonetheless… Miss Francine is in administrative detention for fifteen days because she’s committed a crime.”

The result was too much for Pamela to handle. Finally, she passed out.

Jeremy extended his hand to catch her and sternly instructed Tommy, “Call an ambulance!”

“Yes, sir!” Tommy hurried and took his phone out to call.

Suddenly, Corinne said faintly, “You don’t have to do it. I already called an ambulance just now, and it should be here by now.”

At that very moment, a group of paramedics arrived with a stretcher. They placed Pamela onto the stretcher and put an oxygen mask over her face before getting back into the ambulance and rushing to the hospital.

Under instruction from Jeremy, Tommy went along with the ambulance.


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