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The Deadly Assassin Robin novel Chapter 192

Chapter 192 What Did I Ever Lie to You About?
Alice hung up the phone.

By this time, the concert had wrapped up, and the audience was slowly leaving.

The venue, stripped of its lights and decorations, now felt empty and cold, with only the chilly night breeze and a sense of loneliness lingering after the excitement.

Alice stood alone in the VIP section, still dazed and overwhelmed by everything that had happened.

Almost everyone around her had already left.

The last notes of "Only Ordinary" still echoed faintly through the venue.

She looked at the empty stage, feeling as if it had all been a dream.

Where were Robin and Vera?

Suddenly, Alice ran toward the exit, spotting Robin in the distance, walking away surrounded by Vera, Ivy, Shirley, and Daphne.

"Robin, wait!" Alice called out, running after him.

Her shout made Robin and the others pause and glance back.

Robin frowned when he realized it was Alice calling him.

He chose to ignore her and kept walking.

"Robin, stop!" Alice rushed up to him, blocking his path, and snapped, "Why did you lie to me?"

Robin gave her a cool smile. "What exactly did I lie to you about?"

"You're a major shareholder of Dunn Group and the President of Eastvale Development Group. Why didn't you ever tell me?"

Robin smirked. "Alice, are you out of your mind? Why would I need to tell you anything about my life?"

Ivy, unaware of what was happening, politely said goodbye to Robin, and Shirley and the others had already driven off.

Daphne looked like she wanted to say something, but Robin gestured for her to leave as well.

Now, it was just Vera, Robin, and Alice left outside the concert venue.

Vera looked at Alice's frustrated expression and shook her head.

"Robin, I'll go get the car. Where are you planning to stay tonight? I know you didn't drive here, so I can drop you off."

Robin thought for a moment. "I'll head back to Villa One in Dawnspire Heights. I loaned my Graceview Apartments place to Rosalie."

Vera nodded. "Alright, I'll go pull the car around."

Alice stared at him, dumbfounded. "Villa One in Dawnspire Heights? Robin, can you be serious? You really expect me to believe you live there?"

Robin ignored her and pulled out his phone.

"Robin, why are you treating me like this? What did I ever do to you?"

Robin finally lost patience. "Alice, what exactly do you want from me?

"I haven't had anything to do with you or the Millers for a long time. Everything I do has nothing to do with you. So what gives you the right to question me? Now get lost!"

Just then, Vera pulled up in the car in front of them. "Robin, get in! Alice, we're leaving."

Before anyone could say anything, Alice climbed right into the back seat.

"I'm coming with you guys ... uh ... my car broke down."

Vera looked at her, puzzled. "You really want to come with us? We're headed to Dawnspire Mountain—it's in the opposite direction from your place ... "

Alice didn't hesitate. "I'll go with you to drop off Robin, and then you can take me home afterward."

Vera paused, considering this. "Alright, but since your place is closer, I can drop you off first and then take Robin to Dawnspire Mountain."

"No, I want to come along to drop Robin off first, then you can take me home."

Alice was extremely curious about Robin's mention of Villa One at Dawnspire Heights Estates.

She wanted to see if he was telling the truth or just bluffing.

If Robin was lying, then everything she'd heard about him—being a shareholder in Dunn Group, the President of Eastvale Development Group—could all be fake!

Maybe it was just Amber hyping him up.

Villa One at Dawnspire Heights Estates. What kind of place was that?

In Harmonfield, only Martin from the Wright family was even allowed to live in the top-level area, Area One.

And even he didn't qualify for Villa One.

Yet Robin claimed that Villa One was his?

She was determined to see for herself if it was true.

If it really was his, then maybe ... she'd consider giving him a second thought.

But if it wasn't ... hmph.

Lost in her thoughts, Alice glanced at Robin's silhouette in the front seat.

For a moment, he seemed ... different from the man she thought she knew.

The car ride was silent, almost oppressively so.

None of them spoke a word, and the quiet felt stifling.

Then Alice's phone rang again.

It was Zachary calling.

Seeing his number, she impatiently hung up, but he called back over and over.

Finally, with a sigh, Alice picked up. "What is it? Why are you calling again and again so late?"

"Alice, is something wrong?" Zachary asked on the other end.

"Didn't we agree to hold the engagement ceremony the day after Old Mr. Wright's birthday celebration?

"What did you mean earlier when you said you wanted to wait? Are you putting it off again?"

Alice took a deep breath, initially wanting to reject him outright.

But then she hesitated.

What if Robin really was lying to her?

After a long pause, she said, "Wait for my update. I've got something going on right now ... "


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