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The Deadly Assassin Robin novel Chapter 248

Chapter 248 Vera's Body Data
At seven-thirty in the morning, as Talia and the Security Bureau Seven team returned to the Harmonfield office, a call came in from HQ.

Thirteen of the world's top international assassins had mysteriously vanished.

The most secretive intelligence organization in Draconia confirmed it.

These assassins had not left Harmonfield—or even Draconia; they had disappeared right within the city limits.

After 3:30 AM, all tracking points confirmed that all information on the 13 top assassins had completely vanished.

All signs hinted that Robin might be involved, though no hard evidence confirmed it.

The only intel they had was Robin entering the Marion Club early that morning on Rich Street, Harmonfield West Sea Area—the same club previously visited by Darkwolf.

After Darkwolf disappeared, Robin drove back to Eastvale.

Security footage at the building showed Robin arriving at 4:18 AM.

The drive from Rich Street in the West Sea Area to the Eastvale takes around forty minutes.

Robin left the Marion Club at 3:10 AM.

Based on this timeline, it seemed nearly impossible for him to have eliminated ten top international assassins and still make it back in such a short time.

Also, how could there be no traces left behind after the deaths of 13 top assassins?

Consequently, Security Bureau Seven concluded that the remaining ten assassins were most likely still alive.

So, the headquarters instructed Talia to keep a close, distant watch on Robin's movements.

Meanwhile, within a secluded villa in the chaotic Westhill Cemetery, Jack also received an update.

"Sir, Robin went to Marion Club to meet with the Darkwolf.

"During this time, the club's lead performer, Emmy, and a martial artist from the provincial city's boxing gym, Andrew Lambert, were seated between them.

"Shortly after Andrew sat down, something was said, and the Darkwolf suddenly attacked and killed him.

"He then fled from the club.

"Robin followed soon after.

"Throughout the whole encounter, Robin and the Darkwolf never had any verbal or physical confrontation.

"After leaving the Marion Club, Darkwolf headed north along Rich Street.

"He went into a long alley south of Rich Street—part of an old complex in a heritage preservation area.

"This stretch of historical buildings runs for dozens of rows."

"We tracked Darkwolf and Robin into the alley but lost sight of them almost immediately.

"We checked every alley and didn't see them anywhere, nor did we hear any sounds of a fight."

"Only occasional flashes of golden light appeared, lasting less than a second before fading.

"Robin entered the alley at around 3:10 AM, and by 4:18 AM, he was seen at the Eastvale.

"He hasn't left or contacted anyone since, and all his devices are off.

"In such a short time, handling 13 top assassins alone is simply impossible."

Jack listened, pacing with his hands behind his back.

With the travel time between Rich Street and Eastvale, Robin had barely ten minutes unaccounted for.

Eliminating ten assassins single-handedly in such a short time—today, only one person has ever done it with that kind of efficiency.

No one else could carry out such a highly efficient killing.

To pull it off, one would need killing skills on par with that legendary figure from the past and, even then, the assassins would have had to appear simultaneously.

So where are the bodies?

Why was nothing left behind?

Jack was filled with questions.

One thing, however, was clear: the 13 top assassins who entered Draconia had been targeting Robin.

This suggested he was far from an ordinary character.

If they could uncover the organization and motive behind sending those assassins after him, Robin's true identity would soon be revealed.


Just as lunchtime rolled around, Vera arrived at Robin's office door at Eastvale.

She was about to knock when Amber approached from behind.

"Ms. Silva, looking for Mr. Ramsey?" Amber asked.

Vera nodded. "He asked me to come by at noon. Is he inside?

"His phone's been off, and his office line is set to silent."

"Mr. Ramsey? Haven't seen him all morning," Amber replied.

A soft snoring sound drifted from the office.

Amber grinned, "Looks like he's catching some sleep in there."

Vera murmured, "Sleeping?

"He was off somewhere in the middle of the night and is still sleeping now? Seriously!

"Open the door, Amber."

Amber hesitated, "Are you sure that's okay?"

Vera waved her off. "He told me to come by at noon yesterday, and here he is dozing off in his office. Unbelievable!"

Seeing Vera's expression, Amber had no choice but to open the door.

There was Robin, sound asleep on the sofa.

After Amber left, Vera closed the door behind her and studied Robin's peaceful expression.


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