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The Deadly Assassin Robin novel Chapter 250

Chapter 250 Flight Attendant
Robin boarded the international Brookhaven Airlines flight to Terenova, though due to a rush, he ended up with an economy seat since all first-class tickets were sold out.

It did not matter to him—his only goal was reaching Terenova as quickly as possible.

Taking his seat in the middle of the left row, Robin glanced around instinctively, observing his surroundings.

Next to him in the window seat sat a young girl with a warm smile and a striking mixed-race beauty, her smile as charming and easygoing as the girl next door.

Robin gave her a polite nod, closing his eyes to rest without a word.

Drogo from Phoenix Vanguard had recently put a billion-dollar bounty on his head, challenging Robin's reputation in the dark world like never before.

This was the first time since Divine Drakebane's rise that a faction had dared to confront him openly.

Three years ago, when the Dark Night Alliance tried to turn several Ugonland Phoenix Vanguard branches against him, they had not been so brazen.

Back then, Phoenix Vanguard had been wiped out overnight.

Cassian, their former leader, had even offered a billion dollars to surrender, hoping to preserve the Vanguard name.

Mow, Drogo was making his move again.

Apparently, the last warning had not been enough.

Robin had only paused his activities for a year, and now the underworld was beginning to stir.

He was ready to make an example of those involved, one by one.

If they did not tremble in fear, they would think Divine Drakebane had suddenly turned soft.

Since the day he had started traversing the world with Old Fred, the old man had drilled into him a single rule for surviving in the dark world: only the ruthless survive.

Showing mercy was asking for trouble.

From then on, Robin's single creed in facing his enemies was destruction; only by ensuring they could not come back could he keep the threats at bay.

He would not give his opponents any chance to survive.

This was the very foundation upon which Divine Drakebane had built its name in the shadows.

"Those who follow prosper, those who oppose perish."

To spare an enemy even a sliver of mercy was to be merciless to oneself.

From that moment, the name Divine Drakebane resonated throughout the underworld.

Reflecting on the 13 so-called top assassins who had come to Draconia to take his life, Robin could not help but smirk.

These so-called "elite" killers were laughably unprepared.

Even more absurd was Drogo, who, after a decade of training on the Zlul Island with support from the Dark Night Alliance, thought he could rival Divine Drakebane.

How naïve.

Robin had just dozed off when a large man from Demberoa gave him a nudge.

In cold, clipped Draconian, the man grunted, "Get up. I'm taking your seat; the smell back there is unbearable."

Robin opened his eyes slowly, looking up at the towering figure.

The man, nearly two meters tall with the build of a wrestler, had a full beard and a fierce gaze.

Behind him stood three other men of similar size and presence, exuding an intimidating energy that made the surrounding Draconian passengers avert their gaze, too nervous to make eye contact.

The burly man gave Robin another push, but his attention shifted to the young woman seated beside Robin, eyeing her intently.

Robin noticed the girl trembling beside him, clearly frightened.

He quickly picked up on the fact that these men were after her.

"Do you know them?" he asked, looking her way.

She shook her head, voice shaking.

"No, I don't. Please don't switch seats with them," she whispered.

"They targeted me at the airport. I'm scared."

"Get lost!" Robin pushed the burly man's hand off his shoulder and closed his eyes again.

The man's jaw clenched. "I told you to get up and switch with me. Didn't you hear?"

Robin raised an eyebrow, yawning nonchalantly.

"This is my seat. Why should I?

"Besides, seat changes aren't allowed on flights."

The man leaned closer. "Get up—I'll handle it with the captain," he said.

"The smell of that Draconia woman behind us is too strong. We can't stand it."

"I'm not moving," Robin replied coolly. "Even if the captain agrees, I don't."

The man's patience snapped. "What? You're challenging me? You have no idea who we are in Terenova, do you?"

Robin did not flinch, shrugging off the man's grip again. "I don't care who you are. Back off."

Hostility flashed across the faces of the four men.

The surrounding passengers looked on, tense and uneasy, knowing this could go badly.

These four men from Demberoa were clearly not ones to cross.

The way they carried themselves and their tone suggested they were gangsters.

The thought of upsetting them made the nearby passengers visibly tense, but their disturbance quickly drew the attention of the flight crew.

A striking flight attendant approached with a warm but firm tone.

"Gentlemen, please keep it down and respect the comfort of our other passengers.

"If there's an issue, we're here to resolve it, but let's try to be considerate of one another."


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