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The Deadly Assassin Robin novel Chapter 256

The Deadly Assassin Robin
Chapter 256 Brenda, Let's Get Out of Here!
Brenda anxiously gripped Robin's hand. "Robin, please don't ... "

Hugh snapped, "Brenda, what are you doing?"

Robin offered a comforting pat on her back. "It's alright. Just sit here and watch."

He then shifted his attention to Hugh. "This is my first time in a casino. If I win, can I really take all this money with me?"

Hugh exchanged amused glances with Nico, chuckling at Robin's obvious inexperience.

"Robin, Croc's casino runs on trust," Hugh said with a playful grin.

"If you win, that 300,000 right there is yours!"

Robin pointed his finger at Hugh. "You said that. Since you're Brenda's friend, I believe you."

Hugh pounded his chest dramatically. "Croc has been in this game for years and always plays straight.

"You can even ask around; we've never cheated our patrons."

Nico, wearing a serious expression, nodded in agreement. "I run the show here! Integrity is vital in a casino!

"Gambling is all about taking risks and accepting the outcomes. Let's kick this off already!

"Don't worry; if you win, that money will be yours!

"However," he added, his tone turning grave, "if you lose and go back on your word, I'll have to chop your hands off."

Robin chuckled at the ridiculousness of the threat.

"Okay! Hugh, Croc, since you both promise to play fair, I feel a bit more at ease.

"Just so you know, I've never set foot in a casino before.

"There are some things I need to clarify from the start; if I win, what should I do next?

"Hugh, can you explain? So, whoever rolls the higher number wins, right?"

Hugh quickly recognized that Robin was genuinely a novice.

He exchanged another knowing look with Nico and responded with a smile, "That's correct, Robin! Once you and Blondie roll the dice, whoever has the higher number takes home all 600,000."

"Alright, I understand. Let's get started," Robin said, waving his hand enthusiastically.

Brenda attempted to express her worries through her gaze.

How could she trust anything these people said?

They were nothing but swindlers.

Win or lose, there was no way they'd leave with a single penny today.

Hugh signaled for his men to bring over two cups and two dice.

He personally showcased the cups and dice in front of Robin and Blondie.

"Robin, Blondie, you can see there's nothing wrong with these dice or cups. Pick your sets."

Robin gestured for Blondie to go first. "You go ahead; I'm fine with it. It's just about rolling higher numbers, right?

"I'm lucky; whichever cup I choose will win."

Blondie carefully picked a cup.

Robin took the other one in his hand.

Blondie picked up his cup and shook it vigorously.

In the otherwise quiet casino, the only sound was the intense rattling of the dice inside the cup.

After an energetic shaking, Blondie slammed the cup onto the table.

Hugh glanced at Robin, urging him, "Robin, it's your turn."

"Oh, I forgot! I should shake mine too. Alright, let's do this!" Robin chuckled, casually nudging the cup toward the center of the table. "Okay! Let's see the results!"

Brenda was left speechless as she watched Robin's carefree attitude.

Is he really treating a 300,000-dollar bet so lightly?

Is this some kind of joke to him?

Hugh, Nico, and the other casino employees were equally perplexed by Robin's approach.

Could he genuinely not know how to roll dice?

Is this really how one gambles for 300,000?

What a complete fool!

Hugh watched Robin's nonchalant demeanor and laughed, "Is this really how you want to play, Robin?"

Robin nodded in agreement. "Alright, go ahead and show your dice. But don't take too long; once this is done, I want to grab my cash and leave."

In that moment, Nico, who had been acting cold and distant, let out a couple of awkward laughs.

A group of low-ranking thugs in the gambling den erupted into laughter, their amusement echoing in the room.

Brenda shook her head in defeat, her heart heavy as she gazed at the colorful pile of 300,000 dollars sitting temptingly in front of her.

"Now that we're both done, can I show my dice?"

Hugh stepped forward, poised to lift the dice cup.

"Hold on!" Robin interrupted, raising his voice.

"What's wrong?" Hugh shot him a frosty glance. "Robin, you can't change your mind now."


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