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The defiant mate by Fennifer Francis novel Chapter 18

Jay-la POV

She was standing in front of Jordan’s desk staring at the message in her hand. It read “Winter Moon Industry CEO Austin White would like to personally discuss affiliation. Approved by your grandmother, Clara.”

Clara was her mother Vera’s mother, and she did actually reside in the Winter Moon Pack. Jay-la recalled visiting when she was little girl with her mum and brother. It was probably the only honest offer she had received so far.

Her grandmother must be worried about her, not only that she had just learned she was a great-grandmother as well. This could be the thing that saves her.”Jordan, call Mr Austin White back and make an appointment with him. If he’s not available to come here I will go to him. I’m free next weekend.” “Yes Jay-la” he nodded.

“Let me know right away and give me the number too.” She watched him write it down and took it, added it to her phone right away. Was about to walk into her office when she smelled them. She had been so involved in her thoughts that Jackson and Stephen were able to sneak up on her. Well, walk they didn’t sneak, took great pleasure in reminding her they were watching her all day every day.

Jay-la may we speak to you?” Jackson asked almost politely.

“About that? I’m expecting Eric Stanton any minute now and he won’t take kindly to the 2 of you being here, considering who you work for.”

“I really don’t care”. Jackson shrugged “I wasn’t charged or court-ordered to stay away from you. What can he do? Really!” his smile was smug.

“Add a harassment charge to Nathan’s list of crimes. For sending you.”

Jackson seemed unfazed. “It’ll all get resolved when you come home Jay-la. Which you will do.”

She looked right at him and laughed softly “Well, considering l just got a real valid offer of affiliation, I don’t see that happening.”

She felt it, anger filling the air around him, it was coming off of both of them now and she stared at them a little wide-eyed. Why were they so surprised or even angry about that they had to know it was coming sooner or later? They were aware she was entertaining offers after all.

“What Pack?” Jackson practically snarled at her, forgetting he was not in wolfen society but the human world, she guessed, Apollo was right there on the surface. She saw Jordan shrink back in his chair in an effort to get away from him. “Austin White will be calling himself to make an offer in person.

He was thinking, his mind ticking away. Did he know Alpha Austin, she wondered. Jay-la couldn’t recall much about him.

She had only been little. Jackson was frowning deeply at her and she wondered if he knew of her blood relation to the Winter Moon Pack, or if the Blood Moon Pack was aligned with her grandmother’s pack.

Breaking into her chain of thought was Jordan “Jay-la Mr White is on the line for you now, I put it through to your office, line 1.”

“Oh thank you Jordan.” she nodded to him, completely surprised that he was taking the time to personally speak with her on such short notice, and turned to walk into her office, she went to close the door only to have Jackson force it open and step right through, followed by Stephen. Whatever she thought, she had more important things to sort out than them.

She picked up the phone. “Alpha Austin, thank you so much for taking my call on such short notice.”

“My pleasure, dear Jay-la. Your grandmother was very concerned and brought your plight to my attention, and has asked me to extend an offer to you.

“Thank you, she was surprised by his straightforward and direct remark, probably very busy and needed to get to the point, to attend to other business for the day.

I was going to drop by, but seeing as you called back so quickly, let’s just get this sorted out right away, shall we. l’d like to offer you protection for you and your pups. I was more than disappointed by the treatment you received from your current Alpha. I will certainly never treat you in such a manner.”

“I’d appreciate that, truly I would,” she said in all honesty.

“Seeing as you already have a blood connection to my pack and Clara is offering her home to you and your pups. I don’t mind at all. You may come and see the Winter Moon Pack at your convenience and, if you like it, l’ll initiate you and the pups in.”

“That simple?” she was more than shocked now, and a little relief was flowing through her. Perhaps she should have just gone right to her grandmother when she had been banished, but being too distraught at the time, she hadn’t thought about it, just pushed it all down and tried to focus on her degree and then raising her pups.

“Yes. I will not try to sway you, as l’m sure others are doing at this moment. I will also never hurt you or your pups. That is not what I am about, I assure you. You will all be safe here for as long as you are here with us, protection guaranteed. We are a strong pack, 80% warriors and well respected by other packs. I am also on the Alpha council, so my word may be trusted. Think it over. It is an open invitation to come if you want to. If you choose me.”

Wow, he was very direct and Jay-la didn’t hear a single ounce of anything other than honesty in his voice. “Thank you again Alpha Austin, I will visit very soon.”

“Anytime.” he repeated, and then disconnected the line.

Jackson was staring at her practically fuming, he looked as though he was about to launch himself at her and forcibly drag her away and back to his pack. She felt Kora push forward at the threat they were feeling. Stephen was suddenly between them, a hand out stretched to each of them “Everybody calm down,” he said softly, flooding the room with his Gamma Charm.

He knew there was about to be a full-blown wolf-on-wolf fight right here in her office, in the human world, things were rapidly getting out of hand.

Right at that moment, Eric Stanton chose to open her office door and walk in. He took stock of the situation and snapped “Who the hell let you in here?” and walked towards Jay-la.

Jackson’s reaction was instant. He spun on his heel and stepped right into the man’s face, still all anger and aggression.

Apollo right there on the surface and Jay-la thought he was going to rip into him her eyes wide, “Back off.” he grated out, his Beta aura forcing Eric to actually step backwards several steps.

“This is private.”

Jay-la sighed with relief Jackson was still in control enough to realise this was not the time or place. Kora backed down. “It’s alright Eric, I’m fine. Can you please give us a few minutes?” she asked calmly.

Eric didn’t take his eyes off of Jackson, but nodded slowly “5 minutes then I am calling security.” he stated flatly, only a trace of fear he must be feeling showing in his voice. Then he left the room.

Jackson banged the door closed behind him and she watched him turn towards her. “I asked what Pack Jay-la, and I expect an answer.” he snapped all Beta aura flowing out of him.

She steeled herself against it and said “I’m not giving you one. I have the right to protect myself.”

“Yes you do.” Stephen nodded, his eyes were also on Jackson, though not on hers. He was trying to control the situation at hand, she thought, control the Beta. Unlikely, she thought. Jackson outranked him, if it was a physical fight, Gamma Beta jay-la was betting on the Beta.

Besides, she had trained with them all, she knew Jackson would win. Only Nathan could take him down.” It’s fine Jackson, she is not going anywhere today…got that dinner on Friday night and has court Monday to Wednesday. Calm down..Also, I do not think her own grandmother would mean her any harm, the offer is likely genuine.”

How did he know she had court next week?.. So they were not only watching her, they were spying and prying on her as well, not just at home but in her working life too.


Jackson seemed to regain some of his composure and Apollo receded. “Fine, then we need to discuss why we actually came today. You go ahead. If I loose it, blame the she-wolf”

Jay-la sighed, she-wolf. She had a name and he knew it.

Her eyes moved to Stephen. “What did you come for?”

“There was an incident at the triplets school. Young Nate pushed over another boy and threatened him!”

“So! He was protecting his sister’s is all.”

The school had called her, she had apologised and told them he was just a bit super sensitive due to her recent killing and attack, that he needed an adjustment period.

The school had complied and given him leeway this time but stated that it was not to happen again. She had promised them she would talk to him.

Jay-la had, had words with him, but he’d folded his arms across his chest and told her he would protect them no matter what. Such a good boy, typical alpha genes. She’d had to remind him that, due to what he was, he was naturally stronger and needed to remember he could easily hurt a human child without trying if he wasn’t careful.

Also, told him he needed to learn the difference between an accident and an on-purpose bump or running into of his sister’s. She had not chastised him, just gently reminded him one day he would be like her and Kora and have a wolf with enormous strength. That she wanted him to be careful and responsible for his actions. Not to let his anger get the better of him.

He had huffed at her and she had reminded him to breathe and count to 10 before charging off in anger, to look at the situation and determine the right course of action, think about what the outcome would be if he was to solely act on his anger.


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