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The defiant mate by Fennifer Francis novel Chapter 23

Nathan POV

The research was going nowhere on reverse Luna’s powers, but they had found more than a dozen cases where the Goddess herself saw fit to gift out Luna’s abilities to she-wolves for various reasons.

Most to do with them having Alpha pups without the Alpha knowing about it. Another reason was to attract multiple Alpha Mates who could protect her and her pups.

The Goddess also saw fit to gift her she-wolves the right to choose a mate for herself due to varying traumatic situations that they had been through in their lives. It appeared she watched out for her she-wolves, some more than others it seemed.

Well, his girl fit all of those descriptions.

Nathan could only pray to the Goddess himself that he didn’t have to try and win her over from other alpha males who scented her out as their mate. He was now worried about her visiting the Winter Moon Packa hundred times more.

Alpha Austin was un-mated and trustworthy. What if the goddess saw fit to bless him with Jay-la as his Mate too? If he wasn’t right there when she arrived and she was blessed with more than one mate, she would never know he was her mate and just give in to the goddess-gifted bond and he would lose her instantly.

He heard Havoc snarl in his mind loudly and viciously. It was the first he had felt him all day and it was near lunchtime.

Nathan had not even realised that his wolf was back with him, sneaky bastard, so very quiet he had been, goddess knows how long he had been there watching from within. Stalking his own human counterpart.

Jackson and Stephen had reported her leaving her apartment this morning, taking the pups with her, they had gone to the beach. No further reports had come in. He could only presume she was still there, for he knew they would report all her movements for the day without hesitation.

They returned to the hotel suite just after 2pm, both seemingly in a much better mood than when they had left, they were both smiling and chuckling about something, a private joke of some sort.

Havoc was instantly displeased at their lack of report the second they had walked in the door, he wanted to know about his mate, not a second should he have to wait to hear it and he let out a low warning growl to alert them to his annoyance at their slackness to report to him the instant the door opened and they walked in.

“Down boy.’ Jackson smiled at him “she had a nice day at the beach. I even film her for you, so you can see for yourself”

Stepheņ nudged him and started laughing,” Start the clock now, hey.”

Nathan frowned at them both, what was that about? He held his hand out, both he and Havoc wanted to see her, especially if she’d had a nice day, perhaps she would smile. He missed her smiling at him.

Jackson flicked through his phone and then handed it over to him. It was quite a long video, it looked as though Jackson had just let it run the whole time they were with her, watching her and his pups. He did note that Jackson’s phone battery was low sitting at only 10%. He’d likely not get to watch all of it before the battery died.

Nathan sent a copy to his phone before hitting the play button. He didn’t care what was on it, he wanted it on his own phone to watch whenever he saw fit, or when Havoc wanted to or needed calming down. If it was a nice day, then surely what they were about to watch would calm his beast when raging about.

His eyes, with Havoc right there on the surface, never left the screen as he watched her run around and play with their pups. She was damned near na*ked in that tiny blue and white bikini, goddess. She was beautiful, wonderful with the pups. He could watch her all day long.

He was struggling not to become fully aroused by the way he could see her br-easts bouncing as she jumped around and tossed their pups into the water, or the cleavage that was on full display for all to see, and when she bent over fully, and he got an eye full of her a*ss, goddess all he could think about was yanking her to him and slamming inside her hard and fast, bending her over anything and everything to get what he wanted.

Havoc too was practically drooling over their Mate, she looked so very happy with their pups, it only made his desire for her increase. She was a se*xy damned mother.

A nice day at the beach indeed. Havoc could see Kora at times and whined for his Mate. He missed her, wanted her, needed her, just as much as Nathan wanted Jay-la herself.

The pups all seemed so happy, running about on the beach with her and playing with each other. He hoped they would like him, he knew they could bond quickly with them. It would be completely natural, they would be drawn to him as he was to them, but could he have that kind of relationship with them one day too? He certainly hoped so.

The phone died and he nearly smashed it. At the sudden loss of seeing his mate on the screen, Jackson retrieved it from him quickly before he could slam it to the ground “Use your phone boss.”

He laughed at the sudden change of temperament from him and Havoc. They had indeed been happy and calm watching the footage of their mate and pups, and when it had suddenly gone, Havoc’s anger had been instant.

“Why don’t you go watch it in private?” Jackson added, still smiling.

Stephen punched him in the arm. ” That’s cheating.”

Nathan frowned at the two of them, but it was a good idea he wouldn’t mind watching it on his own. Some alone time would allow him and Havoc to react naturally without worrying about anyone else seeing it. He simply nodded, stood up and grabbed his phone and headed for his bedroom and closed the door.

He heard both of them burst out laughing, and frowned, was he missing something? He shook his head. He didn’t care at this very minute and dismissed it. Fools the pair of them. But they had brought him an hour-long video of his mate and pups.

He was truly thankful for that and so was Havoc for that matter. Fools, yes, but good friends indeed. Goddess, the more he watched it the more he wanted her, his body reacting to her near na*kedness was hard to ignore now that he was alone. He took the video and hit the shower to sort out his needs.

When he did finally get her back in his bed, she was not getting out of it for days, she would not be able to walk when he was finished with her, she would be all weak-kneed and jelly-legged and utterly exhausted, not to mention hoarse from all the damned screaming she was going to be doing and he knew he could do it to her, had done many times before.

He could already piçtúre in his mind what he was going to do to her, goddess, he was aroused all over again, just thinking about the different positions he was going to take her in, the sounds of her moaning, the begging she would do when she was ready for him but he was still enjoying tasting her and teasing her, the way she would call to him ‘please Alpha, in that se*xy desire filled voice of hers when should couldn’t stand it anymore and was desperate to have him inside of her, the damned scent of her arousal around him, driving him insane with need to furiously mate the hell out of her till she screamed his name, he was never getting out of this shower at this rate.

He flopped down on his bed sometime later with just a towel and nothing else on, sleep begging at him, his eyes turned to his phone and he let the video play again and drifted off to sleep watching her play with their pups.. this was his family.

He woke to rage pouring through every fibre of him, Havoc was going absolutely ballistic inside his mind, he was ripping at everything and was in full control and Nathan had no idea what the hell was going on.

“Jackson” he roared though the mind-link, calling for his Beta to help him understand the situation at hand. It was a losing battle trying to take back control because all he was getting from Havoc was ‘kill, kill, kill’ Nathan could feel that his body was already in the process of shifting, He could hear his bones snapping and cracking. He was fighting with everything he had to regh control, but whatever had happened he had slept right through it, but obviously Havoc had not.

“I know,” Jackson shot back. His voice sounded as though he was in pain, “Working on it, resist, with everything you have boss,” there was desperation and fear in his voice and he could feel that all three of them were on his half-shifted body, trying to contain Havoc and his rage, who had complete control and there was no way Nathan was getting it back it seemed unless Havoc willingly gave it up, Havoc was shoving him back to the darkest corner of his mind, he did not want to be contained, he wanted his blood lust filled at all cost.

Nathan was desperately trying to stop him from attacking his friends. He could feel Havoc lashing out and them all trying to stop him, the growling and snarling that was coming from all of them was tremendously loud and aggressive.

“Get him out of the apartment. NOW” he heard Jackson yelling at someone.

His wolf hearing picked up Jay-la’s voice. Jackson must have called her, he was trying to contain Havoc and hold down a conversation at the same time. Was he crazy? He needed all his focus here.

“Unless you want your human friend to die, GET HIM OUT NOW”

Havoc was ripping at the three of them. He could feel it, they were trying to hold him down but his beast was insanely strong when as fullfage as it appeared he was, they were not able to pin him down and hold him down, it seemed, and therefore a fight was ensuing. They were trying to stop what Nathan could only imagine was a killing spree of magnitude proportions, of everything in his path, not to mention a half-shifted Alpha wolf running from here to her place.

Only one thing could have set his beast off into this kind of murderous rage. Either Jay-la was having s*x with her human boyfriend or was about to. Pain hit him too at the thought of that. Not even wanted to know which it was.

Havoc’s reaction was pure anomalistic rage. Nathan was now fighting twice as hard, there was no guarantee that Jay-la would come out of this unscathed, even if she did not know they were her Mate, Havoc knew, and this type of thing had not gone down so well last time. Havoc had nearly killed his Mate last time.

“Jay-la damn it. I need to hear you tell him to leave.”

Jackson was trying to convey the urgency of the situation to her but she had no idea of how dangerous a situation she was in right this minute, had no idea of Havoc’s rage, that it could be so uncontrollable.

“It’s my life, why?”

“You don’t understand. He’s here in the city and is going ballistic. Havoc is in complete control. Tell him to leave or he will die Jay-la. I’m 100% serious.” he snapped, using all his Beta authority to fly and conveý just how important it was.

Give mea minute,” she muttered, seemingly unimpressed.

“Don’t hang up, need to hear it,” he yelled as he crash tackled all his weight onto Havoc using all of Apollo’s strength to help him hold onto Havoc. How could she not understand the urgency with all the growling and snarling and fighting she must be hearing on her end of the line.


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