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The defiant mate by Fennifer Francis novel Chapter 35

Nathan POV

Trying to rein in Havoc why he was trying to Mark Jay-la was not an easy feat, it had taken all his willpower to fight his own beast, his own natural instincts for that matter, he wanted to mark her, and with Havoc in full control and his mouth on her mark spot a part of Nathan had wanted Havoc to do it, take the blame for it, but Nathan knew he couldn’t allow it to happen this way, their wolves were already mated, it wasn’t like she was going to rip Kora from Havoc.

She had said as much, Kora was his. So it was just a matter of time before she herself came around to the full sway of their goddess-gifted Mate Bond. He was staring at her, watching her now. Havoc was practically rolling around in his mind, amused with the situation he had created.

That bastard was playing games with their mate, Nathan suddenly realised.

You can’t do that to her. he muttered to Havoc.

Why look at her, all flushed and hot and bothered.

Nathan’s eyes moved to his Mate, she was indeed flushed and he could smell her arousal in the air, faint. But there, she was standing there staring at him, her breathing was heavy, her pupils were dilated and her heart rate was accelerated, but it was the way she was touching her mark spot that got his undivided attention, her index finger was running along it in slow stokes, he was hard pressed not to smile at her, at her reaction to his wolf nearly marking her, perhaps Havoc had nearly swayed her.

He knew what it felt like when your mate touched you, feeling like your skin was all electrified, with bolts of pleasure wherever they touched you, and the more aroused you became the more intense the sensation was. She hadn’t said anything to his apology for Havoc’s behaviour and was simply staring at him.

Havoc had marked her with a love bite, nothing more but it looked good on her, goddess he wanted to just walk over there and pick up where his wolf had left off. Do it’ Havoc ur*ged him playfully.

Nathan took a step back and allowed both he and her some space. “Jay-la, please stop doing that,” he asked after a minute passed and her hand was still on her mark spot, the scent of her arousal was driving him nuts. If she continued to enjoy the feel of her mark spot he would not be able to stop himself from actually marking her fully.

She seemed to blink back into reality and her hand snapped away from her neck, she shook her head but did not apologise to him. “you need to contain your wolf.” was all she said on the subject. Her voice was soft, not a hint of anger in it at all, her arousal seemed to have removed her anger at the current situation.

Her head tilted slightly and he could tell she was listening to something. He tuned into the surroundings and could hear the children were awake upstairs.

“Jay-la, what do you want to do?” he asked, referring to the fact that his children were about to come face to face with him for the first time.

“Out” she suddenly snapped to attention, then hurried over to him and grabbed him by the arm, dragging him to the back door, and shoving him outside, he just let her, completely surprised by the fact that she was willingly touching him.

“I haven’t told them about you yet. I need to do that before they see you.”

“Well actually…”

Jackson interrupted him “Lets go boss, We can get you showered and cleaned up and Jay-la can talk to them over breakfast.”

“I didn’t agree with that,” she snapped at him.

“Jay-la, I would like a proper introduction, today please.”

Nathan told her as Jackson was pushing him away from her, away from his mate and his pups. He didn’t much like it but she had said she wanted to tell them about him first, so okay, let’s give her the chance.

Their happy chirpy voices were so loud they must be in the kitchen with Jody by now, it was no wonder Jackson was pushing him away.

“Jayla, if you don’t want to stay here, after this morning’s event unfolded, you and the children can use the Luna Suite.”

He said before turning and leaving.

He walked in silence for a bit, Havoc was settled in his mind, calm and happy in the knowledge that Jay-la was going to be easily marked at some point, it was just a matter of seduction. You remember how to do that right? Havoc shot at him.

Yes Havoc, he shot back. what is with your sudden attitude change where Kora and Jay-la are concerned?

Havoc snorted at him she’s my mate, I want to play with her like we used to, but more fun now.

‘You were never like this last time you were mated,’ Nathan Commented.

Kora’s different, more fun, mischievous even.

Nathan shook his head and left Havoc to his own thoughts.

He could not figure him out. It was like all of a sudden he was a completely different wolf. How many personalities does his wolf have?

Just one.’ Havoc snarled at him, clearly following Nathan’s thoughts ‘just happy now. he stated.

“So that was interesting, Havoc nearly marking what is yours?” Jackson interrupted his thoughts.

“He apparently wasn’t going to, just playing with her.”

“Didn’t look like it, from where I was standing. Jody looked nonplussed about it either.”

“I didn’t think so either. And I don’t particularly care what Jody thought after what he did to her, sent her distress levels way off the charts, bl00dy stup!d all of them,” he scratched the back of his neck, then rubbed his eyes. He was actually tired, but the sun was up and he had been awake all night, so what could he expect? “Do you think she will tell them?”

“Who knows, but she can’t run away now.” he laughed” Kora is smitten by Havoc. That much was clear. She’ll never allow Jay-la to leave. Il can presume from the way he strolled her into the pack house and Kora’s response this morning in the kitchen, she and Havoc Mated yes.”

Nathan laughed “Yes, many times, she didn’t even so much as argue about it, not one fight, nothing.”

“Then I guess Havoc’s faith in Kora wasn’t blind, he was totally sure that she would accept him right away, and she did.” Jackson half laughed.

Nathan nodded he’d had doubts about it, but Havoc had never doubted Kora’s ability to want him as her mate. He was never letting her go now, that was for sure. He was curious to see how she would react to him half shifted or in a rage. But that was a future problem.

“By the way, I got a link from Ethan” he chuckled, completely amused by something, cleared his throat and continued “Abbey is in your office with Johnny waiting for her punishment.”

Nathan had actually forgotten about that for the moment with all that was going on. Should he wait to punish her with Jay-la there? so she could see he meant it, when he said he would punish her.

“You and Margaret, hey?” Nathan smiled at him and jabbed an elbow into his side.

Jackson grinned at him, “So it seems,”

“Ethan know yet?”

“Probably she went running up the stairs yelling for her mum, all excited, when I headed off after you and Jay-la.”

“He’s going to pound on you, drill you about being faithful and not womanising around.”

“Please, like I would hurt my mate like that, she’s freaking hot, with that red curly hair to her wa!st and that curvy figure, Va-va-voom. She is perfect in all the right ways.”

Nathan laughed out loud, “yeah talk like that about his little sister and see what happens.”

Jackson grinned and wiggled his eyebrows at Nathan “Oh lord you’re going to, aren’t you?”

You know it boss, got to cause mischief, he was laughing to now, “it’s why Jay-la andl get along better than any of you and her. We’re both mischief makers.

Nathan couldn’t argue on that one, but he would be able to argue about her and Jackson having a better rel ationship than he and Jay-la once he had Marked and Mated her, they would be closer than anyone.

He mind-linked Jay-la for the first time in 6 long years, Jay-la, I have Abbey in my office, did you want to be there for her punishment?

He knew she heard him, could sense down the link that the connection was intact and quite strong, probably due to them being Mates.

Probably not a good idea to put me or Kora in a room with her. she simply answered back You are the Alpha, punish how you see fit.

Chapter 35 1


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