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The defiant mate by Fennifer Francis novel Chapter 6

Nathan POV

He was waiting in his office, pacing back and forth. His father Blaine, had also taken a seat in his office, though on one of the comfortable chairs by the unlit fireplace off to the right of his desk. The men who had collected her from outside her apartment building were taking their time in getting her here, it had been almost 24 hours now. A whole bloody day. He was furious about the length of time it was taking to get her here.

Jackson was currently sitting in a pack car, down by the gate awaiting her imminent arrival, he would take her off their hands. The men he’d paid to collect her had reported to him that they’d had no trouble snatching her. It had appeared she wasn’t expecting it. Which surely she would have been. It had also been reported that they had drugged her with wolfsbane to keep her compliant and easily transportable back to his pack.

Jackson had made certain that no harm would come to her, he’d paid them very well to make sure of it. Nathan had approved any amount necessary to keep her untouched by others. Havoc had displayed his unhappiness about her being drugged by ripping out of Nathan and upending his desk leaving claw marks all over it. His wolf had been unsettled since the day he had seen her on the TV and it was really starting to weigh on Nathan too. Havoc could be very unpredictable at times and uncontrollable when in a full-blown rage. He was currently very quiet, never a good thing, calm before the storm so to speak.

“I got her” Jackson mind linked him, nothing else.

Havoc’s attention instantly acquired, his ears were up and he was pushing forward, right at the forefront of Nathan’s mind. Nathan’s attention was drawn to his father as he suddenly shot up to his feet. His eyes glazed over, and then he left the room without a word. Odd timing, he thought, but shrugged it off, he had other things to attend to. His father was not his concern right now.

Trying to stop havoc from ripping out of him and running off through the pack was more bothersome for him. Havoc had not acted this strangely in a very long time, years in fact. The last time he had near ripped out of him at the thought of a she-wolf was when he had scented their destined Mate Sophia. His wolf had given no quarter to anything between him and his Mate.

‘It’s just Jay-la’ he tried to reason with his wolf ‘She’s not our Mate’ Nathan couldn’t understand Havoc right now ‘We grew up with her, she was 20 when she left’. He continued to try and stay in control of the beast clawing at his mind. ‘We had a Mate then, remember.’

Havoc snarled ‘Gone now’, anger rolling off of him in waves. He still missed the wolf counterpart of their Mate – Maxi. They had bonded quickly and were happy with each other. He’d not so much as looked at another wolf since Sophia and Maxi had left them, he had been rejected because Sophia was a selfish, lazy spoiled brat of a she-wolf, who wouldn’t even so much as try to learn her Luna duties from his mother, had just wanted to laze around the pool and do nothing all day long, day in day out.

She had also stubbornly refused to train and learn to fight to protect herself, told him that was what the warriors were for, if something happened she’d just command 20 or so to protect her. She had refused to learn how to assist with running the pack, did not seem to care about anything other than spending his money on useless shopping trips. He had given her everything she wanted. Lavished her with gifts, but to his surprise and annoyance she’d told him were not good enough, the car she wanted and he’d bought for her, apparently the wrong colour in her opinion, yet it was the colour she had chosen, the jewellery was not expensive enough, or one of a kind, others might be able to be seen wearing the same piece, which was unacceptable.

He had tried his best to please her very materialistic needs, but after 2 years of insults and never being good enough, he had stopped trying. The only good thing about their Mate Bond was the s*x. It was always hot, heavy and furious, and she never really said no, only occasionally.

When she had outright refused to give him an heir he had been utterly shocked, even Havoc had not understood it. Maxi too had told him no on that account due to Sophia being unhappy and unwilling. They had all started drifting apart after that and 3 years after Mating to each other, Sophia had stomped into his office and demanded to know why her cards had been cut off from pack funding.

Nathan had looked her right in the eyes and laid it out for her, “Why let you spend pack money, when you won’t learn to do Luna duties, or produce an Heir.” it had been a punishment he’d thought might pull her into line, but nope it had backfired.

Sophia had screamed at him that he was cold and heartless and that she should be treated like a queen, and would accept nothing less. Then she had hurled a formal rejection at him. He and Havoc had been stunned into silence as they had watched her storm out of his office. He had not been alone in that office either, still under his father’s tutelage to learn how to run every part of the pack, both his father’s Beta and his own future Beta had been in the room as well.

He and Havoc’s heart had broken in that instant, the whole room had gone silent and Havoc had whined in pain, he’d never known the pain of heart break before and had retreated to the furthest reaches of Nathan’s mind, leaving Nathan to deal with the fallout.

He had found her in their suite, sitting in the middle of their bed, arms folded across her chest looking angry, but not at all upset. He had barely been holding it together to make it out of his office and up the stairs to find her. Not to mention the humiliation of having it screamed at him in front of several people, and over something so stupid as money.


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