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The Devil Wore A Brown Suit novel Chapter 36

JJ sat in his room at the B&B contemplating what he should do. He didn’t want to go out into the city and leave the girls without someone close by. He wanted to go look for Perdition, but he felt that could wait at least one more day. Besides, as soon as Perdition and Chaos figured out they were in the city, the two would probably seek them out. He hoped they would anyway. He hoped he could talk to her and maybe reason with her. 

First, he needed Chaos out of the way. How in the hell would he get him out of the way? He thought about knocking him out cold. He figured it wouldn’t be that hard. The thought brought a smile to his face. The winds were blowing hard, and the rain was coming in. JJ opened his door. 

Rain in New Orleans was different. It was a spiritual experience. JJ had a deep love for New Orleans. Something he and Sam had in common. Sam would’ve never left New Orleans if Camilla Dawn would’ve just stayed away. He could’ve had a good life here.

“Damn, and here we are back in the city with her,” JJ said out loud.

 “Watch it,” a little voice said.

          “Come see me, Bee,” JJ responded to the little voice. Bee walked to JJ’s door.

“Now listen here. I know what you are thinking just try to be kind.” Bee said. JJ nodded his head.

“I will try.” He said. “How is she?”

Bee looked toward the room Camilla Dawn was in, “Well, I know no doctor can help her. What is going on with her is something else. I don’t know what it is exactly, but I bet it’s why Daniel didn’t chase after her too hard. She is very sick.” Bee says. 

“Is she going to die, Bee?” JJ asks,

“I don’t know, child.” She responds. “I just don’t know. Don’t leave her alone with Angie. She might kill her first.”

JJ smiled until he realized Bee was not kidding. He straightened himself up and gave her an affirmative nod. 

The winds were increasing, and it seemed to Tiffany the rain was getting harder by the second. As she and Mayhem danced in the street, she suddenly became frightened. Thunder started roaring as she stopped to look at the sky.

“umm, Mayhem, do you think we should go back to the inn?” she asked.

When she looked at his face, he looked concerned. “Yeah. I think maybe we should.”

          The two hurried over to the sidewalk to seek shelter from the rain. JJ and Bee stood in the doorway, Tiffany and Mayhem ran down the sidewalk, Key and Camilla Dawn were resting with the babies, Sam and Angie waved bye to Bob, at the same time they all heard “The watchers are coming.”

Camilla Dawn opened her eyes, “They are coming for me.” She says.

 Key went to the door to see JJ and Bee standing outside. “The watchers are coming, JJ, Bee!” she screams. 

Tiffany and Mayhem run as fast as they can to get back to the inn. Sam stops. “Angie. They are coming for her.” He says.

“I know,” Angie says. “I know. This isn’t the first time.” 

The group reunited at the stone garden just past their rooms, except Camilla Dawn, She was almost comatose.

“How is she?” Angie asks Key.

“She is a lot worse,” Tiffany says. “Bee, is this how she looked before, You know when they came for her?” Tiffany looks at Bee waiting for an answer.  

“Yes,” Bee says.

Before Bee goes any further with this she takes a second to look at Sam. She thinks about the day she showed up. How beautiful she looked, how happy Sam was to see her, how he thought he could make his family work. And then the watchers came for her, and she traded her precious babies to save herself. How Bee had cursed Camilla Dawn and sent her to the void so Sam could live his life and have a chance.

“Sam, we got to hide those babies,” Bee says. 

“Why do they want the babies?” Tiffany asks.

“They are coming for Camilla Dawn, but she will trade them for her life in a heartbeat,” Bee says. 

 “We don’t know that,” Sam says. “Things are different now. She is not practicing dark magic.” 

“Yes, she is. How do you think we were able to block Perdition from coming into power, and who do you think summoned Chaos? I was sure she had a reason, or I thought Daniel was making her, but she is practicing. I think that is what is wrong with her now. She is drained.” Key says. 

 “None of this makes sense, Key. Then why are you helping her?” Angie asks.

“Because she is my friend, and I love her.” Key answers. 

The watchers were coming, and they were coming fast. They wanted Camilla Dawn and all the power she possessed. They wanted her to serve them. She had made this bed a long time ago, and now she was finally going to have to pay up. Camilla Dawn had dabbled in black magic without knowing exactly what she was doing. She had crossed over into magic no one should mess with. She had hexed herself into a life of service to the watchers. 

Mrs. Bee would not protect Camilla Dawn this time. She only wanted to make sure the babies would survive. She was prepared to fight for them. Mrs. Bee knew this was going to be hard on Sam, but he could not spend his life protecting Camilla Dawn. As far as Mrs. Bee was concerned, Sam had done enough for Camilla Dawn. Why must he keep putting himself in this situation, she wondered? She would say nothing to Sam. At least not right now. 

“We have to do something?” Sam says. The others said nothing. “Don’t you guys get it? She is a good person. She just fell into something dark. They used her.”

Key was the only one willing to fight for Camilla Dawn. Sam knew he could depend on her. The others would not.

 “We cannot be divided when they come,” Sam says.

“I will help you, Sam,” Key says.

 “I am not sure, Sam. I am sorry, but you know how I feel.” Angie says. 

The group pondered a moment. Each of them could see the defeat on Sam’s face. How could they not help Sam? He had been there for them but helping Camilla Dawn.  

“I will help.” A voice came from the corner of the building.

 The group turned to see who it was. Who knew they were here.  It was Perdition. Her hair was jet black and her eyes were as white as snow.

 “I will too.” Chaos spoke as he came behind Perdition. 

It stunned the group. Why would Perdition and Chaos help them?

“She helped me. I owe her.” Perdition said.

“How did you know she was here?” Sam asked.

 “First off, none of you came into town very quietly. I spotted you as soon as you got here. Secondly, watchers raised me. I can feel them when they are close. They won’t hurt me.” Perdition says. 

She was different. She was confident. Maybe she found herself since she had been gone.

“One condition, keep Mayhem away from me.” Perdition didn’t look at Mayhem as she spoke. She was still pissed.

“I want to see her.” Perdition says as he walks toward Camilla Dawn's room. She leaves Chaos behind.

 Mayhem and Chaos stare at each other briefly. “Great,” Sam says. 

He was happy to see her, but now he had to keep Chaos, Mayhem, and Perdition from killing each other. He didn’t need any extra drama on top of everything else going on. Angie did not say a word. She was in awe of Perdition and her beauty.

“Be careful. We don’t know why she is here.” Sam says. 

He didn’t care Chaos could hear him. He never really cared for him anyway.

 “I said I want to help.” Perdition screamed back at him as she got to Camilla Dawn’s room. “Asshole!”

 Sam smiled. He took the insult and just smiled. “Well, now we know.” He barked at Chaos.

Chapter 36: Part Two Queen Of Hell 1

Chapter 36: Part Two Queen Of Hell 2

Chapter 36: Part Two Queen Of Hell 3


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