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The Divorcee and Her Three Chaotic Children (Olivia Clarke and William) novel Chapter 160


Chapter 160
Chapter 160
Olivia stared blankly at the screen for a long moment, struggling to process what William was seeing
Just as she finally stirred to take the tablet away, William encircled her in his arms.
“Whether it’s winning your love or providing Ezra with a sibling. I intend to do everything in my power to make it happen?
“You can’t seriously be taking a child’s fanciful wishes to heart? Olivia forced an uneasy smile, trying in vain to break free of his hold.
“Of course I must take our son’s words seriously. We made a promise as his parents we cannot go back on it now?
Fine if you insist on futilely banging your head against a wall, I’ve nothing more to say
Olivia would never again bear children with this contemptible man in this lifetime!
“If that wall is you, my dear, I’d gladly bang away tirelessly
Since waking yesterday, William had resolved to devote the remainder of his days to Olivia’s happiness, to love her wholly and make amends for past wrongs.
Seeing his solemn sincerity, Olivia’s curiosity was undeniably piqued,
“What would it feel like, I wonder, to be loved by you?”
“Growing curious, are we? Excellent, let’s keep exploring that”
His audacity left Olivia speechless.
With a final squeeze on her shoulders, William released her and strode into the kitchen.
Seated on the sofa, Olivia watched the usually aloof man roll up his sleeves and begin preparing a meal. She was filled with a complex medley of emotions.
This present William was increasingly inscrutable.
In her recollections, he had only contempt for her. She had felt herself the greatest blemish marring his otherwise flawless life.
What abnormal psychology would drive a man to love that which he deemed his greatest stain?
Even if he now regretted his accusations and wished to make amends, need he go to such extremes?
Olivia couldn’t comprehend his puzzling behavior.
Her gaze fell again upon the abandoned tablet. She picked it up and restarted the video.
Watching, herself sleepwalk so purposefully into William’s room was disturbing.
She had never suffered somnambulism before was something amiss?
Perhaps a full physical was in order.
Meanwhile, Dean had been wheeled into a ward. Aside from some minor abrasions and a pulled muscle in his back requiring no surgery, he was largely unscathed.
Sensation was also slowly returning to his rigid body.
Though nearly fatal, the fall had brought certain clarity,
As soon as some strength returned, he called for Griffin.
“Sir, given your condition, shall I cancel tonight’s livestream?” Griffin arrived with fresh supplies, concerned by Dean’s haggard appearance,
“No, it cannot be cancelled – it must be bigger and better! Contact Orange Entertainment and inform them we’ll be streaming live from my hospital room tonight.”
“But sir…”
“No arguments! Make the call. Tell them I’m overcome with grief at Olivia’s refusal to acknowledge me as her father. Have them hype up the drama beforehand.”
Dean sensed opportunity in this misfortune.
Wearing a patient gown, lying weakly in a hospital bed surrounded by beeping machines and IV drips – he was sure to garner a wave of sympathy from his audience.
Chapter 160
Who would worry about lack of engagement or dwindling followers when he looked so pathetic and desperate?
Dean smiled in anticipation.
“Right away sir!”
Griffin responded swiftly, grasping Dean’s intent in an instant.
“One moment. Where is Caroline now?” Dean interjected.
“I tried contacting Madam earlier as you requested, but her phone remains continuously unreachable. I still haven’t located her
“Keep searching. Notify me the moment you find her. Also get a lawyer drafting agreements – I want every last cent returned from that adulterous couple!”
Dean’s expression turned solemn yet majestic, as if transforming back into his former domineering CEO persona.
“Yes sir!” Seeing the return of his vigor, Griffin stood straight and acknowledged the command resolutely.
Dean had regained his fighting spirit. Perhaps there was still a chance of salvaging the Clarke family legacy after all!
An hour later, Orange Entertainment reporters arrived at Dean’s ward, a full camera crew in tow.
Seeing Dean’s haggard condition, Charles was struck speechless, mouth agape.
“What…what happened to you, Mr. Clarke?” he stammered.
“Oh, I’d prefer not to air family troubles publicly. Let’s refrain from speaking of it,” Dean demurred, dabbing crocodile tears with a handkerchief.
Seeing the hapless Charles a**igned as today’s reporter delighted Dean.
The moment they arrived, he had Griffin discretely slip Charles an invoice for reimbursement of “expenses.”
Now Dean daubed his dry, unweeping eyes, effortlessly earning sympathy from the gullible man.
“It must be that ungrateful daughter again! Married into wealth yet still so heartless!” Charles indignantly proclaimed.
Overflowing with misplaced sympathy, Charles not only paid the bogus medical fees but purchased useless supplements
His colleague, the cameraman, felt that continuing to spend like this would lead to losing money. He reminded Charles several times, but seeing it was useless, grew too lazy to intervene further.
After all, young people need to stumble and learn the hard way before they believe in the wisdom of experience.

“You’re too kind. My own daughter cannot compare to your thoughtfulness. I ask so little of her just some basic contact and acknowledging me as her father. But even that seems impossible now!”
“Don’t despair! During our livestream, we’ll call Olivia directly. I refuse to believe she can ignore you then!”
Charles vowed solemnly, shocking the cameraman behind him into stunned silence.
But adhering to the principle of avoiding trouble, he still held his tongue.
After all, he worked himself to exhaustion just to earn a cameraman’s wages. Getting involved in other people’s business was not wise.
Charles self-righteously transitioned to the sensationalist topic at hand. After setting up, he helped Dean initiate the livestream.
Dean still held some online followers from past interviews.
Combined with Orange’s hype machine, over a thousand viewers appeared as Dean went live, with numbers rising steadily.
His patient garb quickly drew shocked reactions.
[Is Mr. Clarke sick?]
[Seems so, a hospital? That outfit’s definitely patient robes!]
[See that? Your dad’s unwell! Where are you @Olivia?]
[@Olivia, your dad needs you!]
[Hello? Olivia???]
[Come out, Olivia!]


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