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The Double Life of My Billionaire Husband novel Chapter 27

Ike’s words and movements became more and more indecent. At the same time, Natalie just wanted to take off her shoes and beat Ike up.

She knew that if she stayed here, she’d be in great danger.

“Excuse me, Mr. Lyman. I seem to have consumed too much water. I need to go to the ladies’ room. I’ll be right back.” Gritting her teeth, Natalie forced a smile.

“Okay. Don’t take too long. You still have to serve me.” Ike reached out his hand and touched the side of Natalie’s face. Then, he stuck his face to her neck and sniffed. A small, satisfied sound escaped his throat. “You smell so good.”

Natalie pushed him away, grabbed her purse, and ran out of the room. She rushed to the elevators and pushed the down button.

It didn’t matter to her anymore if she lost her job. Her life was more important.

She didn’t have much experience and thought things too simply. She didn’t expect that Ike, who seemed to be a decent person, would be such a lascivious man.

She shouldn’t have gone with him tonight.

Finally, the elevator doors whirred open. When Natalie was about to step in, somebody suddenly grabbed her from behind.

“Let’s go to the bathroom together, and then let’s have sex right inside the bathroom stall. How’d you like that?” Ike reeked of alcohol. He leaned his head on Natalie’s shoulder and rubbed up against her.

“You bastard! Get away from me!”

Even though already nauseated, Natalie desperately struggled to break free from Ike.

But she was too thin and weak to overpower such a strong, albeit intoxicated, man.

Ike locked Natalie in a tight embrace. “Don’t be so stubborn. Many women in the company have slept with me. And the day after, they went right back to work. Some of them even got promoted and got a raise. They had it easy. All they did was go to bed with me.”

As he spoke, he dragged her into an empty room nearby.

“Help! Help! He’s trying to rape me!”

Natalie grasped the door frame and shouted desperately.

Ike held her waist tightly and dragged her into the room. Despite struggling with all her might, helpless tears rolled down her cheeks.

She kept shouting until her voice grew hoarse. However, no one responded to her pleas.

Then, a flicker of hope ignited in her heart when she caught a glimpse of a waiter pushing a dining cart down the corridor in the distance.

Hoping against hope that the waiter could help her, she shouted with all of her might, “Help! This man’s trying to rape me! Please help me! Call the police! Please!”

The waiter paused and glanced at her as she called to him desperately. However, his eyes were cold, and he then proceeded to walk away as though he hadn’t seen or heard anything, disappearing behind the corner of the corridor.

“Shut up already. People here won’t meddle in our business even if they see it. After all, they’ve seen too much of it. So be a good girl and do as I say. Maybe I’ll even be nice to you later.” As Ike spoke, he eyed Natalie’s exposed waist hungrily. He couldn’t wait to kiss her bare skin.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a heavy blow to his face and he fell backwards onto the floor.

Ike was shocked. His face stung and, as the taste of metallic blood filled his mouth, he could tell that one of his teeth was broken.

“What the fuck? How dare you hit me?!”

Ike spat out the loose tooth and a mouthful of blood. Touching his stinging cheek gingerly, he flew into a rage.

When he turned to look at the perpetrator, his eyes met that of a fierce man standing over him. The tall, burly man was wearing a black jacket and a black cap. Beneath his cap, his eyes gleamed coldly.

“Sebastian!” Wiping her teary eyes, Natalie rushed to Sebastian as though she had seen her savior.


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