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The Double Life of My Billionaire Husband novel Chapter 42

In the end, Sebastian had taken Garrett’s advice.

But now that he had to make an apology, he needed to show his sincerity. He would not do that in a perfunctory way.

“Oh, I see. Anyway, I’m starving. Let’s eat.” Natalie lowered her gaze, unable to meet his. She couldn’t bear to look at the thin scars on Sebastian’s face. It made her remember what had happened last night.

She picked up her chopsticks and began to eat the dumplings in her bowl slowly. A little while later, she put her bowl down, exposing three lone dumplings.

Sebastian raised his hand and took her bowl, pouring her leftover dumplings into his bowl. “We can’t let them go to waste.”

“Sorry, I really can’t eat another,” Natalie said softly, looking down guiltily.

After a pause, Sebastian smiled and asked gently, “What’s the matter? I was just making up some excuse to eat your leftover dumplings.”

“Oh?” Realizing that she misunderstood him yet again, Natalie found herself unable to meet his eyes. She was still very sensitive about what other people thought of her. After all, she used to be the outcast, excluded from many school activities.

“Look, I know I was wrong about the ring. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have doubted you. Don’t think too much. I trust you now.” Sebastian brought up what had happened the other day, scratching his head embarrassedly.

He really wasn’t used to this whole “apology” thing. He hadn’t needed to humble himself in years.

“It’s in the past. Never mind.” Natalie wrung her fingers nervously.

So many days had passed. She had nearly put this matter to rest.

After thinking about it, she realized it wasn’t entirely Sebastian’s fault for judging her. It was her carelessness that led to the ring getting lost. Besides, she was supposed to be Cassie, who had a reputation for being extravagant. It was only natural that Sebastian suspected her.

“Are you sure?” Sebastian raised his head to look at her, his dark eyes filled with skepticism.

He had a stress reaction to what she had said a few days ago, and now it was hard to tell whether she meant what she said now or not.

Finally, she gave him a small smile. “I’m sure. I was ignorant and made many mistakes before, but people change. You’ve lived with me for a while now, so you should know what I’m like now.”

In fact, she was talking about Cassie. But she wanted Sebastian to understand her now.

“Okay.” After wolfing down the rest of the dumplings, Sebastian fished the emerald ring out of his pocket and handed it to Natalie. “Since you’re not angry anymore, put it on.”

Natalie took the ring and held it tightly. She shook her head and said, “I’ll hold onto it, but I won’t wear it. I had no idea this ring was so precious, and it’ll make me anxious if I have to wear it every day. If you really want others to know that I’m married, we can buy another ordinary ring.”

Sebastian eyed her pensively for a while before finally agreeing. “Okay. I’ll buy you another ring.”

The following morning, as Natalie was brushing her teeth, she suddenly felt a pair of thick arms wrap around her waist from behind.


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