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The Double Life of My Billionaire Husband novel Chapter 48

“What can I do to her? I’m innocent.” Garrett lifted his hands, shaking his head. Then, he quickly walked up to the sofa and sat beside Sebastian. “I only did what you asked me to do. I didn’t expect her to misunderstand me. Trust me, I have nothing to do with her. But think about it; I’ve been helping her time and again. It’s only natural for her to think I’m interested in her.”

Sebastian closed the file in his hand and sneered. “Wow! That’s great! I did everything, but you got the credit.”

“That’s because she has never seen you here. I have been standing up for her every time she has encountered a problem. Look, I don’t want things to be this way either.” Garrett shook his head and put on his glass.

“Don’t put me through anything like this again. Even if I’m required to help her, I have to do it on behalf of Mr. Larson. Otherwise, she will continue to misunderstand me.”

Sebastian pursed his lips and stared into the distance. After a moment’s thought, he realized Garrett was right. Things couldn’t go on this way. He had been Natalie’s secret savior and helped her every time she encountered a problem, but he didn’t get any gratitude from her in return. She always thought someone else had helped her.

Sebastian had to find a solution.

In a daze, Natalie trudged back to her desk.

“Gerda, Mr. Harding wouldn’t make a huge fuss out of us employees, would he?” Natalie whispered to her colleague, her voice riddled with anxiety.

“Nah, I don’t think so. After all, a boss should be open-minded. But maybe he’s capable of making mountains out of molehills. Who knows? I can’t read minds.”

Gerda’s cryptic answer only served to make Natalie even more uneasy. What if she had offended Garrett?

The next day, when Natalie rushed to work, she ran into Garrett at the gate of the company.

Eyes darting around nervously, she managed to pluck up the courage to approach him to apologize. “Mr. Harding, excuse me. About what happened yesterday…”

But before she could finish her sentence, when Garrett saw her approaching, he immediately turned around and rushed back inside the car. He shouted at the driver anxiously, “Go! Get me out of here! Hurry!”

Natalie’s steps faltered as she watched the car zoom off. She was speechless.

When she sat down at her desk, Natalie felt so dejected that she lowered her head to her table and muttered, “Gerda, I think my career’s over.”

Garrett didn’t even want to see her. He was probably so offended.

With a sandwich in her mouth, Gerda handed Natalie a bottle of milk. “Don’t talk like that. Ms. Fisher might hear you and give you an earful.”

“Oh, thanks.” Natalie gratefully accepted the milk. “You’re too mean. I think Ms. Fisher’s a good person.”

As Natalie turned on her computer and checked her inbox, a notification suddenly popped up in the work group chat.

“Brandon Larson sent you a friend request.”

What the hell?!

Startled, Natalie nearly choked on the milk she was drinking.

Brandon was the ever-elusive CEO of the Larson Group.

How the heck did she fall under his radar? Brandon’s position was even higher than that of Garrett!

Worse yet was the fact that the request was sent last night.


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