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The Double Life of My Billionaire Husband novel Chapter 64

The Vyrus belonged to Garrett and it was the kind of motorcycle used for serious racing.

With her face blushing, Natalie inched backward and tightened her coat.

The rest of the ride wasn’t bumpy. When they arrived at the so-called boss’s villa, Sebastian led her to the front door.

Unbeknown to Natalie, this villa was owned by her allegedly poor husband. It wasn’t decorated because he had never lived there.

“Welcome!” A woman who looked about forty years old answered the door at the first ring. She introduced herself as the wife of Sebastian’s boss and guided them into the villa.

“Hello, ma’am. What style of wall painting do you want for this villa?”

The wall the woman pointed out wasn’t so wide. Thus, Natalie calculated that she could finish painting it today.

“Nothing too complicated. Just make it simple but unique. It should be in grey. I would settle for any style that you choose to paint the rest.” The woman took a sip of tea and glanced at Sebastian. She then continued, “I’ve already bought the buckets of paint and the tools you would need. I’m going shopping with my neighbors later. You just take your time.”

She left after showing Natalie the buckets of paint and all the tools.

‘Let’s get to work!’ Natalie charged up herself. She was only free on weekends, so she decided to finish the painting today.

She first tied up her hair into a ponytail. Then, she rolled up her sleeves and put on an apron. She mixed the paint skillfully and began to paint.

“Aren’t you going back to work?” she asked curiously after sensing that he was still there.

“No, I took the day off. Let me help you here. I can pass you whatever paint you need.” Sebastian took off his jacket and squatted beside the paint buckets.

“Thank you, but there would be no need for that. I can do it myself.”

Natalie wanted to be left alone, but she didn’t drive him away either. She just concentrated on painting. She didn’t even bother to rest for a while.

Some hours later, the sun began to set and the dark rays fell into the room through the window. Everything became orange. It also warmed up Natalie’s skin a little.

She stopped painting and swung her right arm which was already aching at this time. When she looked back, she saw that no one was on the sofa.

It seemed that Sebastian had left.

Natalie pouted her lips and lowered her head dejectedly. A second later, she let out a laughter of self-mockery. ‘Natalie, you are such a fool. Were you expecting him to wait until you were done? Weren’t you the one who declined his help? Tsk-tsk!’

A strange noise suddenly came from the door. She looked up and saw that Sebastian was standing there with some takeout bags in his hands. There was an inexplicable glint in his eyes and a warm smile on his face.

“Were you looking for me? Anyway, I went to get dinner. You have been painting for a long time. I’m sure you must be tired and hungry by now. Come down and eat first.”

“Oh, you are still here. I thought you already left,” Natalie commented indifferently in a bid to hide her joy. She averted her gaze and continued to paint despite her aching arm.

Sebastian smiled without saying anything. He just opened all the takeout bags and set the table.


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