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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary novel Chapter 223

Chapter 223
It wasn’t easy.
But it worked.
Hooking his eyelids open, I made him watch.
One by one, I inserted thin silver poles into his skin..
I made him watch how his blood pooled around his only arm. I made him feel what it would be like to go paralyzed. Enough silver in his arm would be able to momentarily paralyze him.
But he would still feel the pain.
He howled out, screaming as loud as he could when he felt another jab a sharp silver pierce through his back. I made sure to hit his spine this time. And another was put in. And another. And another.
He was a mess.
He’d soiled his underwear. His stench filters around us. I wish I could say I felt pity. Some sort of sadness for someone who I wished had noticed me more, but there was only a hollow emptiness.
A disappointment, almost.
I couldnt really decide on what to do next. I had taken the time to pull out each of his fingernails and stuck two inch silver plates in its stead. He’s screamed a lot, then. I’m sure by now he’d strained his vocal cords.
His voice turned rough and scratchy from overuse but he still screamed.
And screamed.
And screamed.
I’d taken his arm, taken his mate mark.
What else could I strip him of?
My eyes flared up with excitement.
“I wonder.”
Benicios groggily lifted his head, his eyes red and bleary and tired and defeated as the hooks. continue to force his eyelids open. His breathing is hollow and I can’t help but engrave this moment in my head,
“How would a wolf feel to lose his tail?”
Meredith blinks slowly, taking in Selene’s mother for what she was worth. She couldn’t see the resemblance.
She really couldn’t.
Yes, she had looked similar. Yes, she had the same facial structure. The same lips, the same hair color, the same skin tone and yet, they were completely and utterly
There was no fire.
No determination or self-respect that Selene had.
There was not a single trace of Selene inside that woman. She couldn’t see it. And believe her, she.
tried to find it.
They’d all taken refuge at the Capital as they awaited the news of Beta Dixon’s betrayal. All Wolves present remained. They wanted answers. Each and every wolf felt uneasy about how an Alpha like Landon allowed a traitor to have such high position in his pack. How fo olish the young Alpha was.
The same young alpha who was detained at his cell.
Meredith sighs, tilting her head to the side as she looked Sophie up and down,
“I expected more.”
Sophie doesn’t have the time to respond because Hestia, the little pest, had stood up in anger, glaring at the ex-Alpha with intensity. Sophie’s displeasure had spiked in the air, despite the fact she was chained with two guards beside her, keeping her posted.
Yet, she didn’t say anything.
Like Meredith thought:
“Don’t disrespect my mother, witch.”
Meredith grins, sardonic and mocking. The willowy blonde was trying to keep her reputation up? She was trying to salvage something non-existent at this point? With the way her eyes had been glancing over the wolves and other Alphas around them, it was clear as day Hestia was trying to gather at least some bit of respect. How pointless.
The only thing she was doing was making herself look that much more path etic.
Meredith echoes, standing to her full height and managing to bring forth her wolf just a little.
She did not take to challenges kindly.
Not when they came from a conniving, backstabbing bit ch. Hestia stumbled back but held firm, trying her best not to cower or shake away. She was an ex-Alpha yes, but she was older. Surely, Meredith wasn’t going to be too strong for her. She’d lost face after Selene and her fathers throw-down, but it wasn’t too late.
No, it couldn’t be.
“Disrespect would be to spit on your mother’s face, grab her by the hair and throw her to the ground.”
Meredith steps closer to the blonde, willing her wolf out just a bit more. Enough to overwhelm the naive female.
“Disrespect would be to call your mother out what she is pub licly: spineless, a co ward, self-absorbed, heartless, weak, disgraceful, unworthy of being a mother- an utter disappointment.”
Meredith was merely a few inches from her. Her face directly in front of Hestia as that smile stayed unwavering,
“Disrespect would be to compare you and your sister, because frankly, I don’t see how any of you could be related to that girl.”
She finally pulls back, smiling sickeningly sweet at the way Hestia’s eyes watered with humiliation. Her hackles lowered, and Meredith sat down again,
“That would be disrespect, little Luna. But what I said? That was fact.”
He was cold.
His skin went dry and taut from the bitter chill circulating around his confines. Unable to move from the chains binding him down, he surrenders to staying still. Sitting in nothing but his undergarment, his head hangs low as his soaked blonde hair shields his face. He can smell himself.
Or well, he used to until a few hours… days(?) ago.


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