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The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2 novel Chapter 203

Part 28

“We will not fail their trust.” Karzog quietly declared. “I love you, you are my destined love, and no amount of social pressure could make me renounce you. If everyone else in the entire universe condemns me for it and strives to prevent it, still I will be with you, and love you with all that I am.”

There seemed to be a long moment of serenity after their declarations, then Fire resumed her place on the lawn beside Balen with Karz still in her arms.

Soon everyone who’d risen to support them resumed their places, except Val. She floated three meters in the air, relaxed with her eyes closed and her hands clasped behind her, and remained silent until she knew that her solitary intransigence had drawn everyone else’s attention. Still she waited as the sense of expectation built around her, until she knew that several who watched her were about to inquire about her intentions.

“I feel the same as Fire.” she quietly stated. She paused again for a few more seconds, then threw her head back and held her fists high and shouted it out to the world. “I FEEL THE SAME AS FIRE!!!”

“Say it, Sister!” Fire called in encouragement as she shook her fist overhead in solidarity.

But Val wasn’t ready to just blurt it out yet.

“When I was still an unborn baby floating in my mother’s womb, I was all alone, but I didn’t care because I didn’t realize it. I still only had about as much mind as a mouse then.

“Then another mind touched mine, literally, psionicly, and he loved me so much it just filled me completely. And in that moment, when his mind first met mine, he had a prophesy that I was his destined love, and he was mine, and we were destined to be married someday. Of course I couldn’t understand language yet so I didn’t know about the prophesy, and no one told me until a few weeks ago. But deep down inside, I’ve always known.

“Then another mind joined us, and it was Fire. A little while after that there was another mind with us, and it was Mother. And their love was so wonderful.

“I soon forgot about sharing minds with Fire and Mother, and I don’t really remember anything else that happened up until I was almost seven months old. But I never forgot that very first moment when another mind first joined mine, and the wonderful love he felt for me.

“Since then our love has only grown, in so many ways, and I really hate having to keep it secret when we haven’t done anything wrong. Just having to keep it secret all the time sometimes makes me feel like I have done something wrong, even though I know I haven’t.

“No one can judge us about this, because we’re not like anyone else who’s ever lived. No one ever fell in love with anyone else the way I fell in love with him.

“So today I’m telling the secret. But I’m not worried that anyone is going to bother us about it, because I’ll be monitoring everyone, and if anyone is bothered or upset in any way by our love, I’m going to make them forget about it. And that’ll be it for that. I can do it too. I can make everyone forget they ever knew about it, except the gods and maybe the top twenty psionicists outside my family. And if any of them are bothered by it, they better not bother us about it, or I swear I will make them pay for it!

“Our love was against some old laws of some races, because of possible problems with the children we might have. But our love isn’t against the new laws, the just laws, that have been emplaced since The Just Alliance was formed, and there’s absolutely zero chance that there’ll be any problems with our children if we even decide to have any, because we know, actually we are, some of the best Healers who have ever lived.”


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