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The Gift chronicles novel Chapter 2

Book 2 Chapter 1


"I'm right here, Nyx. What are you, blind?" Greyson teased me, making me roll my eyes.

"No, but you are invisible," I retorted. He loved using his Gift to annoy me. We were currently engaged in a battle of chip—throwing, and he was being a cheater.

"It's not my fault you're too much of a pussy to use your Gift," Greyson smirked as her reappeared next to me, and crumbled a Dorito on top of my head. I shrieked and tried hitting him, but he effortlessly dodged me, popping a chip into his mouth this time as opposed to my hair.

"I am not a pussy," I grumbled at him as I tried getting the Dorito residue out of my hair. "I just don't see the point in taking the life out of some poor plant just so I can throw a chip at you. You're really immature, you know that?"

Greyson shrugged, eating another chip. "Don't start something you can't finish, babe."

I rolled my eyes. I met Grey about three months after my Grandmother's death. To be more precise, I almost killed him about three months ago after my Grandmother's death.

He also is a rogue, and was wondering through the woods when he came upon my cabin. He hadn't known I was home, and came barging in like he owned the place.

I was upstairs when I heard him enter, and I had drained the life from a poor nearby succulent so I could have the energy to hurt the intruder. I didn't ever want to kill a rogue, so I typically just used enough magic to knock them out, and then dumped their unconscious bodies far away.

Even though I had heard someone enter the house, I was surprised when I didn't see anyone. I could, however, smell another wolf's scent.

"What are the odds that the first cabin in the forest I break into belongs to the prettiest rogue I've ever seen?" I heard the deep voice from behind me, and spun around. Nobody was there.

I twisted my hands in a circular motion, using the succulent's life force to generate an energy ball. I thew it into the general direction where I heard the voice coming from, and luckily, I hit the intruder square on the chest.

"Fuck!" The man suddenly appeared, and collapsed on the floor as he took the full force of the photon blast.

"Okay, okay! I surrender, freaky Witch lady. I'll gladly exit the residence and will never return," He promised, and I narrowed my eyes at him, unsure if I could trust him or not.

I was way too trusting of a person, and I let the stranger leave, after he promised that he wouldn't ever return.

He showed up at my door the next day.

Ever since that day four years ago, we've been best friends. He moved into the cabin, and was technologically skilled enough to set up a TV that had all sorts of shows I had never been exposed to before.

Greyson loved being able to teach me things about life, society, packs, everything. He was twenty at the time, and had turned rogue once his former Alpha started running the pack in a way he didn't respect. I tried to ask him more about it, but he didn't like talking much about his old pack.

I was yanked out of my flashbacks when Greyson threw yet another Dorito at me. I tried to dodge it, but failed, getting hit with it square in the eye.

"Ouch!" I yelped as I clutched my eye. It didn't actually hurt, but I knew it would activate Greyson's natural protective instincts over me.

"Fuck, Nyx! I'm sorry, let me see," Grey rushed towards me in panic, and when he was close enough, I grabbed the bag from his hands and dumped the whole thing on top of his head.

Greyson growled in annoyance as orange powder covered his head, shoulders, and face. "You pretend to be innocent, but you're just as manipulative as everybody else, you little minx."

I laughed as I took in the sight of him. Even in Dorito residue, he looked as attractive as ever. With his dirty blond hair and tanned muscles, I wasn't sure anything could make him unappealing.

Suddenly, his normally hazel eyes darkened. He took one step towards me, his eyes blazing in an emotion I didn't recognize. My breath hitched in my throat.

"I'm going to go shower," He muttered, and stalked into his room, making me shrug.

"Don't start something you can't finish," I sang out mockingly after him, mimicking his earlier words. He snarled at me in response, closing the door behind him. Jeez, he was so worked up over Doritos.

I followed his lead and went to take a shower myself so I could wash the cheddar dust out of my hair. Once I finished showering, I got dressed in jean shorts and a white strapless top. I brushed my wet hair as I stared at my somewhat fogged reflection in the mirror.

My electric blue eyes stood out against my pale skin and my dark black hair. A few freckles littered my nose and upper cheeks haphazardly.

Book 2 Chapter 1.2 1

Book 2 Chapter 1.2 2


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