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The Girl Come Back is Super (Nikita and Sheehan) novel Chapter 223

Chapter 223 He wants to protect her.

After all, it has been two years since he broke his leg.

In other words, he missed the best treatment period.

“Can’t recover as normal… what do you mean?” Corley’s face was stiff.

Nikita said directly: “It is possible for you to become a cr*pple. You can stand up, but your legs cannot be restored to the same as normal people.”

For a moment, Corley looked very gloomy.

He clenched his fists. “If you can make me fully recover, I can give you another 200 million.”

Nikita scoffed: “Master Garrett, people can’t be too greedy.

The point isn’t money. Even if you give me 10 billion, I can’t promise you what I can’t do.

It is a gift from G*d to make you stand up again.”

“Of course, if what you want is to get your legs back to normal completely, I can’t guarantee it.

You can choose not to treat it.

Nikita got up. Saw Corley’s gloomy face, she said in a light way: “I’ll come back to take these silver needles out half an hour later.

You can consider whether to cure or not in this period.

After that, she turned and went out of the room.

A man like Corley is the G*d’s favored one.

It may be more unacceptable for him to appear in public as a lame in the future than to sit in a wheelchair.

So Nikita told him to consider whether to continue to treat.

After Nikita left, Corley bowed his head and stared at two legs full of silver needles, and hinovelxo.com fast updates face was cloudy.

Nikita went out of his bedroom.


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