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The Girl Come Back is Super (Nikita and Sheehan) novel Chapter 382

Chapter 382 I will call the security guard to get you out.

The personal shopper was standing by, but didn’t pay much attention to her.

No one will think a student can really afford any dress in the luxury store.


The personal shopper showed a bit of contempt and disdain to Nikita She glanced at her, looked at the shoes she wore, and the black backpack on her shoulder. Then, she skimmed her lips.

She turned out to be a poor student.

She thought that those who dared to visit the stores on this floor were at least some rich kids.

But she seems to be born in a poor family judging by her appearance.

How dare she come here?

Nikita naturally felt the contempt of the personal shopper

But she didn’t bother to caret about it.

It’s not the first time she has met this kind of personal shopper who provides the service by looking at the customer’s dressing.

She continued to stroll, took a fancy to a deep purple shirt, turned around, and said to the personal shopper who stood by and looked at her coldly. “I’ll take this shirt. Get me the largest size.”

Xavier stood 73 inches high. Nikita used to buy clothes for her in the largest size.

The personal shopper stood there and did not move. That supercilious look was obvious: “Dear, are you in the wrong place?

It’s not suitable for students to visit here. You’d better go to other places.”

“The Kowloon Shopping Mall on the other side is the place you should go.”

The whole Kowloon Shopping Mall is for clothing wholesale.

All the clothes there are sold by weight.

A lot of clothes are very cheap. If you buy more, you can get another 30% or 20% discount on the price.

Many students like to go shopping in Kowloon Shopping Mall.

Seeing the personal shopper looking down on them, Nikita was not annoyed but gently hooked her lip. “Oh?

Why are students not fit to visit here?

You can’t sell clothes to students?”

The personal shopper frowned impatiently. Her tone became colder: “The clothes here are at least 20,000 dollars each. Can you afford them?

Come on, don’t wander in our shop. I have no time to deal with you.”

“Hurry. Or I will call the security guard to send you away”

She is a poor student but pretended to be like a rich girl. How hilarious!

Are they bored to make fun of them?

The purple shirt she just pointed to, which is the clothing in the latest season. It had just showed at the


international fashion week.

65,000 dollars a piece!

Can she afford it?

Even if she deletes two zeros off, she can’t afford it!

Yvonne took Margot’s hand and came out of the elevator.

“Mom, are the clothes particularly expensive on this floor?” Yvonne has visited this shopping mall, but she used to visit other floors where the product’s price is not so high. This floor is full of top luxury brand. It was her first time to visit.

Her eyes showed excitement. When she got out of the elevator, she looked around. When she saw the top brands that symbolized identity, she became more and more excited.

Margot spoils her, but she has never been to such an expensive place to buy her clothes before.

“The clothes here are not cheap.” Margot said with a smile. “But you hneed an evening dress on such an occasion like tomorrow night.

Pick a dress carefully. Dress up beautifully tomorrow night. They will all be amazed at you.


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