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The Girl Come Back is Super (Nikita and Sheehan) novel Chapter 766

Chapter 766 Being Slapped

Old Mr. Lambert calmly asked Fabian, "What's going on? Who is that woman? How can such a person be invited to the dinner party of us Lambert family? "

In his place, she claimed that his future grandson-in-law was wrong.

How dare her!

Does the whole Lambert family not exist in her eyes?

She called his Niky an unlicensed medical deception?

Even the old men in the National Hospital now admire his little Niky.

The woman is young, how could she be blind?

Fabian had not seen Old Mr. Lambert lose his temper for a long while. He immediately called people over and ask with trepidation.

Beside Old Mr. Lambert...

Cathleen, who witnessed the scene just now, frowned.

Nikita told her about the so-called "prison" prescription.

She was angry, at the thought of her daughter and son-in-law were stupid.

Unexpectedly, she just heard Yvonne said that nonsense, slandering Niky's reputation. Cathleen was so angry that she almost lost herself to slap Yvonne in the face.

Another stupid thing!

Margot is stupid enough to miss her own daughter, and found a fake one. However, the fake daughter is also a dummy. They even kept the dummy beside them and cherish her.

They see their own daughter as a stranger.


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