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The Girl Come Back is Super (Nikita and Sheehan) novel Chapter 908

Chapter 908 You can't ask an outsider to take over our sect!

"Master, is this Miss Swift more famous than Fernando? Moreover, she is not a member of our sect. Master, how can you let an outsider take over our sect?!"

"Master, please think twice before you make this decision!"

“Master, I disagree! The successor can be Fernando or Edmund, or anyone else in the sect. But it can't be an outsider!"

At this moment, Fernando, who had been silent all the time, also spoke up: "Master, this Miss Swift... should you introduce us?"

Fernando doesn't have any intentions to compete for that position.

However, he also feels that Malcolm's decision is a little rash.

This little girl named Nikita looks too young. Judged from the school uniform on her, it seems that she is still a high school student.

How can all Malcolm's theories be handed over to a little girl who is still in high school?

This is too ridiculous indeed.

But Malcolm has never been a person who makes decisions casually.

No to mention that it is still such an important decision of who is going to be his successor. He should not hand over his painstaking efforts for most of his life to an inappropriate person.

Seeing that all his disciples were opposing to his decision, Malcolm frowned.

As he was just about to speak up, he heard Nikita's cold voice sounded. "I also find it inappropriate. Uncle Malcolm, I never expected that this was why you wanted me here. I haven't considered whether to be your successor or not."

“Let's talk about this matter in the future."

Malcolm was stunned: "Nikita...

Nikita looked at him: "I haven't made up my mind yet. Don't push me.

Otherwise, I won't even consider it."

If she doesn't consider it, it means she will never take over his sect.

But if she promises to consider it, there are still possibilities for her to accept it.

Malcolm's face changed. He sipped his lips tightly and had to make a compromise: "Okay, okay... I won't push you. You can consider it."

Malcolm did not dare to force Nikita.

He knows well about Nikita’s temper.

She used to directly leave just because he pushed her too hard.

And her disappearing lasted for several years. And no one could find her.

Malcolm was afraid that she would disappear silently again after he pushed her so hard.

When the time comes, where would he find her?

Nikita is the most promising successor in his heart. And he only wants Nikita to take over all his theories.

And he can rest assured only when Nikita is the successor.

As for his son and his first disciple... Even though Edmund worked very hard, he had no talent in music. He never thought of letting Edmund be his successor.

The performance of his first disciple, Fernando, is really excellent. If there is no Nikita, he intends let Fernando take over his sect.

But now that Nikita is back, he won't consider others.


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