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The Girl He Craves novel (Sophie and Aiden) novel Chapter 190

Sophie’s pov

Aiden got the call early in the morning. Apparently Sergio was found dead in his home.

Margo found him lying on the cold hard floor, in his own pool of blood.

The news of his passing broke Meredith into pieces. She cried her eyes out.

Even though Sergio was a bastard, I did feel pity for him.

Someone murdered him.

And the culprit was someone we’d least expect. Lillian.

Margo retrieved a footage collected by the camera that showed Lillian entering the home. Sergio allowed her in and she was the last to see him alive.

Fingers pointed at her.

The Muralo’s were the number one discussion around the world. Their shares were going down, everyone pulled away from them.

Accompanied by Aiden releasing those nasty photos of them into the world, the Muralo’s reputation had dwindled in one day.

But the problem was…..no one knew where they were.

Sophie’s pov

*2 months later*

It’s been exactly two months since the last time the Muralo’s have been heard from or seen.

No one knew where they had gone off to. Where they were hiding.

What they had done to both Sergio and Tenney was dying out. The first month was scaling hot with topics about the gruesome. murder of Sergio and the incest that was happening in the family.

As for Tenney. We wished he got his justice.

The cops found no evidence that it was one of the Muralo’s who had killed him in cold blood. And I suspected if Margo didn’t retrieve that footage of Lillian, she would’ve gone scorched free too.

Not that they caught her anyway. So I suppose she did go scorch free.

And as for the incestuous photographs the media paraded around for an entire month, it was also dying out. New jaw dropping news was far better I suppose.

“Aw my little Ash bug.” I giggled as I bent down to pinch his cheeks.

He was in a cute black and white tux.

“He was so fussy to let me put him in that tux. I don’t think he wants to give you to his dad. This little bugger wants you all to himself.” Mila giggled and pinched his cheeks.

Ashton smacks her hand away and my lips part. “Ash!” I scolded playfully.

He was definitely in a mood.

I giggled. “Do you not want momma to marry daddy?”

The door suddenly opened. “Guys we gotta leave in ten if we want your hair to get done in time.” Ria uttered.

In her hand is my beautiful white wedding dress.

Yes, you heard right.

Aiden and I are going to get married today.

We were waiting on news about the Muralo’s before we could, but Aiden got impatient and wanted to see his wedding ring around my finger.

‘I need you to be Mrs. Xavier soon my little Soph. I can’t wait no longer.’ Were his words.

So we took a little faith and decided to get married today. It was a bit of a rush but as long as Aiden, Ash and those we hold dear present, then everything will be perfect.

“The boys already left. Aiden looks constipated.” Ria snorted.

My heart sinks and the smile leaves my face as I straighten up. “Oh. Do you guys think he’s having second thoughts about marrying me?”

Ria snorted. “Bitch please. Aiden having second thoughts? Don’t make me laugh. The guy looks constipated because he is actually scared you will call off the wedding.”

My, brows, furrowed.

She shrugged. “Overheard them talking. By the way his friends are hot.” She looks over at Mila with a smirk. “One looked like he was ready to pounce on Mila. That guy sure has an eye on you.”

Chapter 190 1

Chapter 190 2


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