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The Hidden Gold Mine Heiress Divorcee novel Chapter 23

The Hidden Gold Mine Heiress Divorcee By Vera Whitehead Chapter 23

Chapter 23 Have a Seat inside 

The second period of Love 101 ended in harmony.

Mr. Zern watched the popularity and ratings surpass the first episode. He couldn’t help but smile. However, he didn’t forget the trouble Ferman brought.

He said to Mr. Hall, “Go and warn Ferman! I’ll go to the live broadcast room first and tell the contestants about living in Love Apartment.”

Because there would be a week-long training camp coming, the players were required to eat and live together. There would also be broadcast live from morning to night.

Just imagine there were more than 60 beauties in front of the camera, and the audience could watch their lives all the time and even have the opportunity to see them without makeup. They could understand their personalities in private. It was going to be super popular.

Not only that, but he also received a lot of placement ads during the period. It all meant money!

Mr. Zern couldn’t help but walk fast when he thought of those profits.

When he came to the live broadcast room, the contestants hadn’t left yet, and Vivi was introducing the matter of living in the Love Apartment.

“Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, you can pack your luggage according to your own schedule and move into Love Apartment. If you have no other objections, then have a good rest for two days, and I’ll see you next Monday.”

After Vivi finished speaking, she turned to look at Mr. Zern.

Mr. Zern became happier the more he looked at her now. He joked. “Vivi, hurry up. Mr. Lewis can’t wait to see you in the audience area.”

Vivi glanced at Ziana from the corner of her eye and said deliberately, “He is usually busy with work, but he always finds time to accompany me. He always takes care of me like I am a child. But I

won’t get lost.”

“Mr. Lewis is so kind to you, and he can’t leave you for a minute!”

Vivi brushed her hair shyly. “Yes, he just likes to stick with me. I like to stick with him too, so we can’t be separated.”

“Okay, you can go now. I can’t stand it anymore. You are so sweet.”

Vivi smiled and said a few words. Then she quickly walked towards Boris, and the two left the live broadcast room arm in arm.

Mr. Zern withdrew his gaze and planned to talk to Ferman backstage.

“Mr. Zern.”

Suddenly someone called him, he looked over and saw that it was Ziana. He immediately smiled

want?” gently. “It’s Miss Scott, what do you

In the office, Mr. Zern stood aside. Seeing the row of bodyguards behind Ziana, he got sweaty in his palms nervously.

He asked cautiously, “Miss Scott, what can I do for you?”

“Can I not live in Love Apartment?” Ziana explained, crossing her legs. “I’m not used to living in


Mr. Zern looked embarrassed. “Er… This is our rule. It is mainly for the sake of communication between you and the team members.”

He was obsessed with her for her popularity and even thought about what kind of luxury advertisements to place in the live broadcast of her daily life, but she didn’t want to live in the


“I can communicate with them during the training camp, and I don’t have to live there.”

Mr. Zern was speechless. Suddenly, he thought of something. “Miss Scott, are you worried about the poor condition of the apartment? Don’t worry about that!”

Mentioning this, Mr. Zern was proud.

He purposely spent a huge amount of money to decorate the Love Apartment, which was very nice and luxurious. The environment looked very good on camera.

He excitedly pulled out the tablet, and while showing Ziana the picture of the apartment, he introduced to her, “The decoration of our apartment is contracted by the top ten decoration companies in Japera City. It will definitely make you feel comfortable. Take a look. Is the style very girly? Or what are your requirements? We will do our best to satisfy you! Just tell…”

Ziana raised her hand lightly, and when he saw it, he stopped talking inexplicably.

He always felt that Miss Scott had a magical power that made people want to follow her and listen to


“My request…” Ziana said, “Donald, you tell him.”

The man standing on the far left took a step forward, nodded respectfully, and handed him a stack of documents, which was as thick as a dictionary.

“This is a list of all the furniture, ranging from sofas and televisions to toothpaste and towels. Miss Scott only uses designated brands.”

“In addition, Miss Scott gets up on time at six o’clock every morning, and the alarm should not

exceed 40 decibels.”


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