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The Hidden Luna Queen (Maeve and Xaden) novel Chapter 106


Somewhere outside the dungeon on the outskirts of the capital, a hooded figure cloaked in black wandered the looming dusk. Fast, frightened footsteps delicately clacked against the pavement, anxious to reach their destination.

With the sun slipping past the horizon, there was always a fear that trouble walked the streets… not knowing who or what hid within.

Bella might have had a bold streak, but she was not one to teeter on the edge of danger.

However familiar she was with the capital, this was an area she usually tended to avoid. The dungeon was only a place where criminals and undesirables went—the worst of the worst of society occupied those walls. If it hadn’t been for her determination, she would never have been caught dead here.

If it hadn’t been for the need to right some wrongs, she would be at home right now.

As she cautiously approached the front gate of the dungeon, she was stopped by a tall, burly guard, older in age and with a stern face.“You there, stop. What brings you to the capital dungeon?”

She gulped, forcing herself to stand tall. “I-I’m here to see one of the prisoners.”

With an unimpressed hum, he looked her up and down, taking in her petite frame. There was something about the leer in his eyes that rubbed her the wrong way. Almost as if he thought her to be a pathetic thing. “What’s a small, feeble girl like you got business with around here anyway, eh?”

Bella growled. “H-How dare you speak to me with such discourtesy.”

Instead of cowering like she’d hoped, he let out a small scoff. “Run on home, little miss,” he muttered, waving a hand to dismiss her. “This place ain’t suited for the likes of you, especially at this time of night.”

Chapter 0106 1

Chapter 0106 2


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