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The Hidden Princess At All-Boys Alpha Academy novel Chapter 778

“Come on,” Roger snaps, holding his nephew’s gaze. “You think you’re the only one who lost someone today? For fuck’s sake, Rafe, I love you – but pull it together. We have work to do, and Ariel’s never going to forgive you if you leave her mate unconscious on a battlefield when he needs Ella.”

Something in Roger’s tough love makes Rafe clench his jaw. He nods once, hefting hard at Jackson’s body, getting him up far enough that Roger can slip his shoulder beneath Jackson’s armpit and then stand.

“God,” Roger growls as Rafe slips under Jackson’s other shoulder. “What are you feeding this one?”

as the battle continues behind them.

But Rafe can’t laugh, as they drag Jackson back towards the transport, glancing back at the battle that continues behind them. Because Roger’s attempt at humor, even in the worst of situations, it reminds Rafe too much of Jesse. And Rafe – he just can’t go to that space in his mind right now. Not if he wants to avoid going to pieces.

So Rafe just puts his head down, and stares at the ground, and hauls his sister’s mate away to safety.

Leaving his sister, wherever she is now, behind.

_ _ _

I’m screaming as my feet hit the ground in that strange other world, as I rip my elbow back in the way that Blaze taught me, catching my mate – my fucking mate – hard in the ribs.

But he just laughs and lets me push him away. I stumble forward, hardly able to catch myself as I look frantically around at this horrible, dark world. My eyes flash up to the three moons above me for just an instant before I whirl, my canines extended, to snarl at my captor.

Immediately, I try to throw myself back to my home world, to leave this horrible place. I beg, in my soul, for the world to turn again, to send me back as it did before.

But nothing happens. My wolf howls, frantic, spinning, looking for an escape. But nothing.

“Take me back,” I growl, spinning back towards my mate, my lips peeled back. “Now.”

“You really are very pretty when you’re fierce,” he says, smiling at me like he’s perversely proud of the way I’m responding.

Chapter 0778 1

Chapter 0778 2


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