Making it…utterly impossible to fulfill his mission. To go in there, and get his girl, and kill as many of them as necessary to get her back home where she’ll be safe. To ensure they’ll never come for her, ever again.
Jackson sighs and hangs his head as he sinks to the ground in despair, wondering if he chose to sit down or if his knees just gave out. His butt hits hard, his long arms wrapping around his knees. Because he can intend to barge in there and grab her all he wants but…
God, he doesn’t have any notion at all of how to do it. Now that he’s finally here, staring at the fortress, his blood burning with the desire to tear it apart stone by stone to get in and grab Ariel and steal her back?
He just…he has nothing.
Jackson hangs his head, dread running through him, wondering if this entire week of travel getting here has been a waste. Riding in the car with the guard to the border between Moon Valley and Atalaxia, where an ATV was waiting. And then climbing onto that ATV with only a backpack of supplies, setting out into the desert with nothing but determination to power him along the way. Barely sleeping, just riding, determined to get to her, to get here.
But now that he’s here? Was it all a waste?
Probably. As much of a waste as he is.
God, he’s so pathetic. He can’t do anything to protect her – the one thing in the world that matters to him. At every turn, Jackson knows that he’s failed her. He wasn’t there when Gibson, of all pathetic people, very nearly cut her throat. And when Luca had marked her and left her trembling and bleeding, where had he been then?
And on the battlefield? When that creep had just appeared out of nowhere? What, Jackson couldn’t get there fast enough?
He’s failed her. Failed her, every time. Failed her. A failure.
Jackson’s wolf howls softly, trotting an anxious circle around his heart, trying desperately to get him to see it another way. Not your fault, his wolf huffs. You tried – you’re trying –
But Jackson just roughly shakes his head, looking down at the Atalaxian soil, knowing that it’s not true. That he can’t protect her, and doesn’t deserve her.
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