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The Imposter Bride (Natalia and Magnus) novel Chapter 259

In any case, she was already a prisoner, and who knew when Callum might just flip his lid and off her. She might as well live it up while she was here.

Lexi was surprised to find her chin getting chubbier despite being confined to her room, where she could indulge in a variety of gourmet dishes from around the world.

This morning, as she looked at her reflection in the mirror, she felt nothing but contempt for herself. Anyone who knew her situation would understand that she was being held captive, but others might think she was off living the high life somewhere.

Why else would her face look so puffy? It was as if it had been inflated! No, she had to rescue herself from this downward spiral and get out of this godforsaken place!

As she was plotting her escape, Lexi heard footsteps outside the door. She quickly tossed the teddy bear she was holding into the air and rolled off the bed.

Her princess bed, with its dreamy canopy, had a large enough gap underneath to hide an adult.


The door was pushed open, and the sound of footsteps followed. Lexi knew it must’ve been Rita, leading the maids to deliver her food.

Sure enough, Rita's professional voice filled the room. "Ms. Lexi, today's delicacy is from Paraguay..."

Before Rita could finish, she noticed that Lexi was nowhere to be found. She stopped speaking, knocked on the bathroom door, and called out softly, "Ms. Lexi, Ms. Lexi?"

After a moment of silence, when Lexi did not respond, Rita pushed the door open in a panic. "Oh dear, where has Ms. Lexi gone?"

Lexi lay under the bed, holding her breath, watching as Rita quickly led the maids out. She waited a moment until she was sure they were far enough away before crawling out from under the bed.

"What are you doing?"

A voice suddenly echoed from above. Lexi looked up in surprise to see Callum standing in the doorway, and she was caught in the act of crawling out from under the bed.

Lexi was instantly flustered. "Um, I was looking for something."

Callum gave Lexi a cold look, seemingly aware of her intentions but not calling her out. "I heard you've been behaving lately. That's good, a smart choice." Callum left her with these words, then strutted out of the room.

Lexi watched Callum's departing back, wishing she could kick him over. "Enough! What does he mean by 'smart choice?' Absolutely infuriating!"

For some reason, Lexi always felt a bit powerless whenever she faced Callum. She knew she hadn't done anything wrong, so why did she always feel like she was beneath him?

As Lexi was questioning where her courage had gone, Rita rushed back in with the maids. Seeing Lexi sitting properly on the bed, Rita was thoroughly impressed with Callum's prediction that Ms. Lexi hadn't disappeared for no reason and was indeed still in the room.

"Ms. Lexi, we've brought your meal. This is a special crab dish from Paraguay, it's incredibly flavorful and is said to have beauty and weight loss benefits."

Lexi's attention had already been captured by the food the maids were carrying. She took a deep breath - it smelled heavenly!


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