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The innocent reject novel Chapter 18

Chapter 18 :Accepted or rejection?

She blurted out so quickly that it took me a few seconds to understand what she said,she must have seen checking her appearance and in reply to that she was saying that she knew that she is a nerd,

Why did she cared about what I thought of her

Hell even her appearance showed that she didn't cared about herself

I passed a confused look

"I.....I......a..m .......sorry!!"

She said with her sweet voice which cracked at the end

What was her problem

I knew talking to the Alpha king made girls nervous but this girl was taking it to a new level.

"See girl if you are here to waste my time it's better you leav......"

I didn't got to complete my sentence as I felt a weight on my back

Soon two arms wrapped around my neck from behind

"Aaaaron....happy birthday!!"

"Jane! what the hell are you doing!Get off me!! We are standing the in school premises "

I said turning around and removing her hands from my neck

She passed me a sheepish smile

"Hey !!I met you after long 2 days and wished you and you didn't even let me hug you"

She said with fake anger in his voice

I hugged her and satisfied her wish

Being childhood friends she knew everything about me and hugging me here was just a way to irritate me and tarnish the serious look I portrayed to the outside world.

Her eyes left mine and she looked behind me

O I forgot that girl

I turned around to see that girl was taking slow baby steps backwards while looking at me

Her eyes looked watery and then she broke our eye contact and lowered her head

I saw her lips moving and the little voice that reached my ears said


With that she turned around and walked as fast as her small footsteps could take her


Why was she sorry

And why was she here

Just to tell me that she was a nerd?

But most importantly who was this innocent faced girl??

Yes I admit she looked like an innocent angel

Noo like the most innocent of the innocent angel

If that even makes sense

I turned around back to see Jane smiling at me

"Lets go buddy our 1st class is starting in like...."

She checked her watch

"Ooh sh** now!!!"

She dragged me along with her arms interlocked with mine

The first 4 classes went smooth with teachers and children wishing me

But one question that kept on coming from everyone like from a broken radio's speaker was

"Did you find her??"

Now it was lunch time and I was accompanied on my table with Jane and Dan.

Both of them were always there with me ,we grew up together and knew each and every bit about each other.

I joked and laughed around only with them or my parents.

"You ruined my mood Aaron,I thought today we will find our future luna and I was sooo excited about it"

"Dan don't you guys feel that everyone around me is more curious to find her than me?"

"Oh we know how you are but your wolf surely wants to find her.Did you asked him?"

"Yaa you are right"

I called on to my wolf

Can you find her?


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