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The Innocent Wife of Scheming President novel Chapter 541

Before he could finish, Dave interrupted him. "I don't believe it. You liars, you must have conspired in advance to deceive me, didn't you?"

How could his father, whom he respected most, be a murderer?

All of sudden, he let out a cry, knocked them apart, and ran wildly out of the room.

Xenia hurried after him. "Dave."

"Dave." Ivy tried to catch up with Dave, but Alan held him back.

"Let him calm down."

Ivy said, looking out at the disappearing figure. "Aren't you being cruel to him by telling him that secret?"

"It's better than knowing the truth after he's been used to hurt his friends and brother. You have given up the old generation's feuds, so it may not be a bad thing to tell him the secret at this moment."

"I hope he'll figure it out." Ivy asked after a pause. "Someone is trying to target you? Who is it?"

"I don't know, but I believe this person will appear soon." Alan had a cold gleam in his eyes.

Ivy laughed. "So you've made a lot of enemies."

Alan was anything but modest. "There's really nothing I can do because a person of high position is liable to be attacked."

"Do you need any help?"

"I don't need your help just yet, and I'm not shy about asking you for help when I need you. All you have to do now is bring Dave back, the stubborn bull." Alan patted him on the shoulder, strode over to his wife, reached out, and touched his wife's head. "What are you thinking about?"

Olive has spoken out about her doubts. "I wonder if the person who is deliberately driving a wedge between Dave and you is the same person who is hiding behind Susan."

Alan said to her with a smile. "Do you know what having mutual affinity is? We just have mutual affinity because we're thinking the same thing."

At that moment, Xenia suddenly ran towards them in a panic. "It's bad, Mr. Hoyle, Sister Olive, Dave, he, he..."

Xenia ran so fast that she was a little out of breath. Olive patted her on the back to soothe her. "Don't worry, you talk slowly."

"Dave, Dave, he took Annie away in a very rude way. He's driving, so I can't catch him, and I'm afraid he might hurt Annie, so do something to stop him." Xenia looked worried, as she was genuinely afraid that Dave might do something wrong out of impulse.

Acting on impulse was like the devil because acting on impulse could easily destroy a person.

"What's Dave up to?" The feeling of uneasiness in Olive's heart finally came true at this moment, and as they were close to each other as mother and daughter, Olive was very worried about Annie.

"Don't worry, I'll find them." Ivy said as he ran out like the wind.

"I want to go, too."

Olive said these words as she tried to run, but she's held back by Alan. "Olive, don't worry, as Dave's not going to hurt Annie. Xenia is frightened and she doesn't look very well, so I don't think she can stay alone. You should stay with her, so why don't you leave the rest to me? I'll ask my driver, Lao Peng, to pick you up."

Olive didn't want her parents to worry, so on the way home, she told Xenia not to tell them this.

But this afternoon, it happened that Mrs. Hoyle went to the Martial Club to pick up Annie, but she didn't see Annie, and it was she who heard about Annie's disappearance. The more Mrs. Hoyle spent time with Annie, the more Mrs. Hoyle liked Annie, who was quick-witted, so when Mrs. Hoyle heard what had happened to Annie, she was very upset.

When Mrs. Hoyle came home, she blamed Olive. "Are there any mothers like you? Your child is missing, but you can still sit at home."

Olive's mother, who was in the kitchen preparing dinner, heard Mrs. Hoyle's words and came out of the kitchen. "What's the matter?"

Mrs. Hoyle's face was cold. "You ask your dear daughter."

When Xenia saw that the incident could not be concealed, Xenia felt very sorry, so she told the whole story truthfully, and then she apologized to everyone in the room.

"Olive, look at that great Master you've got for your kid, and he's so unreliable. What kind of friends have you made? If anything happens to my granddaughter, I'll never forgive you." Mrs. Hoyle scolded Olive, pointing to Olive's nose.

By this time, Chloe had just arrived home, and when she saw Mrs. Hoyle pointing at Olive and scolding her, Chloe got so angry that she slapped Mrs. Hoyle's hand away, and then Chloe smiled grimly. "Oh, old witch, you like Annie now, so you accept your granddaughter now, but why didn't you accept Annie before? You're trying to act like a grandma now, aren't you? I'll tell you, anyone here can blame Olive, but you can't, because you're not qualified."

Mrs. Hoyle was tired of Chloe's face, and what Chloe had said to her was like adding fuel to the fire, so Mrs. Hoyle tried to slap Chloe.

But it was Chloe who was young, and every time Chloe confronted Mrs. Hoyle, Chloe was on her guard against Mrs. Hoyle, so Chloe could not easily be slapped by Mrs. Hoyle, while Chloe intercepted Mrs. Hoyle's hand in mid-air.

"If you want to slap me, I tell you there is no way. Don't forget, old witch, this is the Steele family, not your Hoyle family, so you can't rule here."

"That's enough, Chloe. Please shut up." Olive spoke out to stop their fight from spreading, turned around, picked up the landline from her desk, and tried to dial Alan.

The bell rang at the door.


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