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The Killer Queen (Noella Briony) novel Chapter 131

Chapter 131 

Under the cloak of night, the man’s profile was etched with such intricate detail it could have been mistaken for a masterful painting. Emotions, impossible to ignore, flickered in his deep eyes, almost as if he wished to melt the girl before him

Noella turned her face away slightly, her lips curling into a faint smile, though her voice held a cool detachment

I get it.” 

Palmer ruffled her hair roughly, chuckling with a touch of annoyance

After all he’d said, that was her response? Winning her over was clearly going to be a marathon, not a sprint

Annie drove along, handling the steering wheel with the ease of someone shucking oysters

Unbelievable, the boss was so different around Ms. Noella. Who would have thought that Palmer, known as the Frost Yama at the helm of Pollack Group, could be so bold around Miss Noella

But then again, Ms. Noella deserved nothing less than the world’s finest

At the Schnabel Manor, Marcel sat at the head of the table, his neck craned in anticipation. The sight of Noella and Palmer walking in hand in hand transformed his stern face into a landscape of joyous wrinkles

Grandpa, we’re back. Had to handle some things at the gallery this afternoon, then took some time to relax,” Noella said

What’s up with the gallery? Merrick, how could you give Noella a problematic gallery?Marcel asked

Merrick was confused. When did I ever give Noella a problematic gallery? That gallery is the biggest in Imperial City! It was meant for Noella once she came of age, a gift from the year she was born!” 

He might not have managed it much over the years, and that was because he lacked a business knack, but he’d hired a professional team to take care of it! And with Beckett always keeping an eye out, what could possibly go wrong

Beckett, eyeing the clasped hands of Noella and Palmer, was anything but pleased. He had always suspected Palmer of trying to steal his sister’s heart, probably with ulterior motives! As for that engagement, what era were they living in? If his sister sent their secret sibling signal, he’d find a way to break it off

Beckett pulled Noella aside and strode off with authority. Noella, come sit with me. I’ve already sent over the materials the gallery needed and even got the company’s construction crew to 


check in.” 

Tristan, worried his daughter might be taken advantage of at the gallery, quickly interjected, Sweetheart, what’s wrong with the gallery? Do you need Dad’s help?” 

It’s nothing major, just some unexpected issues. I’ll handle it,Noella reassured him

Sexton frowned at his grandson Palmer. “Is this how you’re looking after Noella? How come there is a problem with her gallery? Next time, go to work with her!” 

Palmer looked helplessly at the irritable Sexton. He would love to go to work with his girl every day, but she probably wouldn’t like that

If Noella wouldn’t mind the company, I’d arrange to work with her starting tomorrow,he offered

Beckett scoffed, Who wants to work with you? Mr. Pollack’s family business is vast, so it’s better to first manage one’s own affairs well.” 

Thanks for the concern, Beckett. Everything at Pollack Group is running smoothly. I heard you’re interested in that land deal with the city council?” 

Beckett perked up, What are you implying? You got a lead on that property?” 

Palmer just sipped his coffee, a knowing smile on his lips

Stirling jumped in, Noella’s still young; she doesn’t need to work every day. She can go out and have fun with me instead. Mr. Pollack’s help isn’t needed.” 

Looking after Noella is my responsibility as her fiancé. I’ve heard you’re looking to invest in some entertainment companies. Perhaps Stellar Entertainment might interest you?” 

Stirling’s eyes widened as he tried to remain composed. Stellar? That’s a giant that rivals Hollywood! You have investment channels there?” 

Coincidentally, Stellar is part of the Pollack Group’s portfolio.” 

Stirling was floored. He knew Pollack Group was big, but not this big. Holding Stellar Entertainment meant Palmer could make a fortune even if he just stayed at home.. 

Jasper chimed in, Even if Mr. Pollack is a savvy investor, Noella is not yet your wife. Until she explicitly agrees to marry you, keep a respectful distance from our sister.” 

I understand,Palmer said, unbuttoning his suit as he sat next to Noella, gazing at her with deep affection. I’m in the process of courting Noella, and until she agrees to marry me, I will not overstep.” 

This reassured the Schnabel family

Noella looked at him, surprised, meeting his starfilled gaze

He was willing to explain himself to her family, to put their minds at ease. This consideration was unexpected, a small gesture he took to heart



check in.” 

Tristan, worried his daughter might be taken advantage of at the gallery, quickly interjected, Sweetheart, what’s wrong with the gallery? Do you need Dad’s help?” 

It’s nothing major, just some unexpected issues. I’ll handle it,Noella reassured him

Sexton frowned at his grandson Palmer. Is this how you’re looking after Noella? How come there is a problem with her gallery? Next time, go to work with her!” 

Palmer looked helplessly at the irritable Sexton. He would love to go to work with his girl every day, but she probably wouldn’t like that

If Noella wouldn’t mind the company, I’d arrange to work with her starting tomorrow,he offered

Beckett scoffed, Who wants to work with you? Mr. Pollack’s family business is vast, so it’s better to first manage one’s own affairs well.” 

Thanks for the concern, Beckett. Everything at Pollack Group is running smoothly. I heard you’re interested in that land deal with the city council?” 

Beckett perked up, “What are you implying? You got a lead on that property?” 

Palmer just sipped his coffee, a knowing smile on his lips

Stirling jumped in, Noella’s still young; she doesn’t need to work every day. She can go out and have fun with me instead. Mr. Pollack’s help isn’t needed.” 

Looking after Noella is my responsibility as her fiancé. I’ve heard you’re looking to invest in some entertainment companies. Perhaps Stellar Entertainment might interest you?” 

Stirling’s eyes widened as he tried to remain composed. Stellar? That’s a giant that rivals Hollywood! You have investment channels there?” 

Coincidentally, Stellar is part of the Pollack Group’s portfolio.” 

Stirling was floored. He knew Pollack Group was big, but not this big. Holding Stellar Entertainment meant Palmer could make a fortune even if he just stayed at home.

Jasper chimed in, Even if Mr. Pollack is a savvy investor, Noella is not yet your wife. Until she explicitly agrees to marry you, keep a respectful distance from our sister.” 

I understand,Palmer said, unbuttoning his suit as he sat next to Noella, gazing at her with deep affection. I’m in the process of courting Noella, and until she agrees to marry me, I will not overstep.” 

This reassured the Schnabel family

Noella looked at him, surprised, meeting his starfilled gaze

He was willing to explain himself to her family, to put their minds at ease. This consideration was unexpected, a small gesture he took to heart


Sipping her soup. Noella felt a warmth spreading, much like the soothing broth warming her 


Tristan, wielding the ladle, tapped each of his sons on the head, his voice rising, What are you boys talking about? Mr. Pollack and Noella are fond of each other. If you’re feeling sour about it, go find some daughtersinlaw for me! And Ulrich, where is he for this family dinner?” 

Ulrich stood at the entrance, dustcovered and sunkissed, his arms laden with gifts. Sorry I’m late. I brought presents for everyone.” 

Sienna stood up to inspect Ulrich. You look like you’ve been through the desert. Why are you all dusty and tanned?” 


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