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The Killer Queen (Noella Briony) novel Chapter 134

Chapter 134 

Noella barely had to turn her head to feel Palmer’s presence, his aura enveloping her with an assertive dominance

Let go.” 

Just a moment more. My fiancée wouldn’t want to disturb anyone, right?” 

Since when was it her causing the disturbance

Palmer held Noella close, his arms circling her slender waist. Look, your mom and grandpa are still in the garden.” 

Merrick had a thing for flora, and on a whim that night, he remembered that the Schnabel Manor boasted a fine collection of nightblooming cereus. His excitement was such that Sienna, unable to dissuade him, decided to accompany him instead

Noella’s room was on the second floor, offering the best view. One glance and she could survey a good portion of the Schnabel Manor. Likewise, anyone in the garden looking up could easily see what was happening on the balcony right now

If anyone from the Schnabel family caught sight of Palmer holding her like this, Noella didn’t dare think what might unfold tonight

If you let go, it won’t disturb anyone else.” 

Palmer’s grip tightened, his breath growing hotter in an instant, spraying across the nape of Noella’s neck. But I can’t bear to.” 

Did she not realize how alluring she was to him? Every time he saw her, his heart seemed to beat more furiously. At this rate, it seemed he might not be satisfied with just holding her

To avoid disturbing the others in the villa, Noella kept silent and did not push Palmer away, letting him hold her quietly

His heart pressed against her back, as if in that moment, their heartbeats aligned. His strong masculine scent swirled around her, causing Noella’s cheeks to flush

Why was her heart racing as wildly as his

After five minutes, Noella finally spoke up, “Alright now?” 

Palmer released her reluctantly, his tone laden with a deeper meaning, Just five minutes, and my fiancée underestimates me.” 

The smirk at the corner of his mouth carried unspoken mischief, as if he might devour the demure girl before him at any moment. However, he knew Noella wasn’t some fragile blossom; even if he couldn’t bear it, he had to restrain himself

As night deepened, Palmer felt the beast within stir! All because she was just too tempting, always making it so hard for him to resist



Noella’s ears turned a deeper shade of red! She had a feeling Palmer had a hidden message, and meeting his intense, fiery gaze, she felt as if she were about to combust

Palmer took her hand and they leaned together against the balcony railing. When do you plan to tell Grandpa about Yvonne’s situation?” 

What have you discovered?” 

Whatever my fiancée has discovered, I have discovered.” 

Noella pursed her lips. I suspect that Ashlyn’s sudden illness tonight is also because of something Yvonne did.” 

I’m thinking along the same lines as you.Palmer’s fingers played restlessly with the palm of Noella’s hand. Tonight’s events suggest that Yvonne isn’t eager to leave Imperial City, hence the stalling.” 

Noella glanced up at him. Do you care about her?” 

Of course not. Why would I care about her? I’m only concerned about one personNoella.” 

Meeting Noella’s gaze, he felt captivated by how adorable she looked

How could she think he cared about Yvonne? To him, Yvonne barely registered

It’s just that she keeps interrupting my time with my fiancée, which is quite irritating.” 

The precious moments he managed to carve out to be with Noella weren’t meant to be shared with unwanted company

Noella replied coolly, Whether she wants to leave or not has nothing to do with me.” 

But whatever Yvonne was up to, the Schnabel family had a right to know

I support all of my fiancée’s decisions.” 

You can go now. My grandpa has been giving you looks.” 

In the garden, Merrick, having watched Palmer and Noella holding hands on the balcony, had coughed significantly several times

That rascal, he’d been given plenty of time to court, so why was he still clinging on

Palmer chuckled, planting a goodnight kiss on the back of Noella’s hand


His actions were always so gentlemanly, beyond reproach

With the kiss placed, Palmer left Noella’s room and exchanged a few words with Merrick in the garden

From Noella’s viewpoint, Palmer could be seen bending down to share a laugh with the old man over the nightblooming cereus, eliciting genuine laughter from Merrick

Chapter 134 

Sienna stood by, her eyes full of affection, seemingly more pleased with Palmer than her own sons

Palmer, a man of such stature, somehow blended so harmoniously with her family

A sudden thought struck Noella, he had said he would love her family 

Across the estate, lights came on, and Palmer stood on his own balcony, gazing at Noella with a face full of tender warmth

Seeing her only from across a garden was far from the satisfaction of holding her close. But to have her willing to live with him, he would have to wait until they were married 

Beckett entered Noella’s room, his face stern as he drew the curtains closed, shooting Palmer

warning glance

Is Mr. Pollack too idle? Noella, do you want to switch rooms? Maybe to the other side of the house, to avoid disturbance,” 

No need, it’s too much hassle moving back and forth.” She was accustomed to her room

Noella, don’t let Palmer fool you!” 

Noella looked puzzled. Beckett, what could he possibly fool me with


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