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The Killer Queen (Noella Briony) novel Chapter 152

Chapter 152 

After dropping off Vincent and the Fullers, Noella’s phone buzzed with an encrypted message that seemed like gibberish at first glance

Holding her phone, she deftly decoded it, importing the text into a custom app she had developed, and quickly extracted the clear message

[Boss, we’ve got a situation at the lab in Emerald County. Need you here.

[Got it.

To synergize with Elara’s Phoenix Lab, Polaris Star had set up its own facility in Emerald County. Noella pocketed her phone and navigated through the streets with the mental map she had long memorized, arriving at the Polaris Star Lab

The lab’s exterior was a nondescript suburban house, nothing out of the ordinary. Standing at the entrance, Noella passed through a triple security checkpoint fingerprint, iris scan, and a password before she could enter

What’s the situation?” 

Boss, the data we sent to Phoenix Lab has been intercepted.The lab’s supervisor, Mizar, handed her a report

Phoenix Lab has ultratight security. The documents are supposed to be top secret. This shouldn’t have happened.” 

Noella scanned the report indicating that data meant for Phoenix Lab had been maliciously hijacked

Slipping into a lab coat and donning a face mask, she instructed, Get me some equipment.” 

Mizar, buzzing with excitement at the sight of their boss getting handson, quickly assembled the necessary tools

It had been ages since they saw the boss in action! This was going to be good

Five minutes later, Noella, examining the data, uttered as she stretched her hand, Pen and paper, please.” 

Mizar handed her the requested items, and noting the mud on Noella’s shoes, she asked with a raised eyebrow, Boss, did you just come from a hike?” 

Yeah, ran into people from the Fuller family. Gave them a piece of my mind.” 

Mizar listened to Noella’s cool response, seething, Those pests are still jumping around! You were too lenient before!” 

No need to dwell on that

The fall from the giddy heights of potter’s field wouldn’t have killed the Fullers or Vincent and 

Chapter 152 

his wife just a few broken bones, a little bedrest. It would do them good to lay low for a while

After all, whether the Lambert family and the Fuller family would still be around once they recovered was anyone’s guess

It’s time to leak the Lambert family’s project flaws and Vincent’s tax evasion.” 

On it!” 

They had been sitting on that information for too long. Vincent had managed to disgust Noella enough to not let his family off lightly, despite Old Mrs. Lambert

Mizar scoffed, When that accident happened on Vincent’s project and people died, he complained about the delay. Heartless.” 

If he’s heartless, there’s no need for us to care. Spread the word as the Phantom Surgeon: any international organization that provides medical aid to Vincent will be an enemy for life.” 

Got it! But what if they seek typical medical care?” 

Noella replied blandly. No worries, I have a plan.” 

She tapped out a message to Ulrich and hit send. Ulrich’s response was swift

[Finally, You remember me, your brother! Don’t worry, I’ve got everything set up. All reputable hospitals nationwide, even globally, will blacklist Vincent. He can try to get medical attention, but it will cost him a fortune, and he still won’t find the right doctor

When are you coming back? How’s Elara? Miss you!


Ignoring the flood of messages, Noella selectively answered before pocketing her phone

With Ulrich on the case, Vincent’s chances of a quick recovery were next to none. By the time he was well, the Lambert family’s fortune would be all but drained dry

After documenting her findings, Noella drafted a misleading report and hit send. Half a minute later, the system flagged the message as intercepted

Her slender fingers flew across the keyboard, pinpointing the IP address of the interceptor, and she frowned slightly. It’s also in Emerald County. Looks like someone from Phoenix Lab. Elara’s got her own dramas to deal with, it seems.” 

Mizar shrugged, Not every lab is dramafree like ours. With Elara being so young and brilliant, there’s plenty of people waiting for her to slip up. Plenty of them haven’t made any major achievement, all biding their time for promotions.” 

They were all eagerly hoping to be promoted, when suddenly a young lady dropped into their midst

Noella had heard that Elara earned her spot at Phoenix Lab, but the Schnabel family had generously funded an entire research base for her. Basically, all the equipment in Phoenix Lab was donated by the Schnabels

Chapter 152 

So, the thing they talk about Elara,Mizar shrugged, it gets pretty nasty.” 

Especially once they found out Elara was only an adopted daughter of the Schnabel family, the comments turned even uglier

Clutching the notebook with her data, Noella said, Let’s go have a look.” 

You bet!” 

Nothing beat crashing a party like this

At Phoenix Lab

Elara frowned at a few middleaged lab technicians in front of her

Ryker, Zack, what’s the deal? If you don’t want to work here, submit your resignations. I won’t stop you!” 

Zack, the apparent leader of the group, sneered at Elara

Ms. Schnabel, we’ve all been busting our butts on this data research. As the project lead, we’ve been out there collecting samples, and what exactly have you contributed?” 


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