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The Killer Queen (Noella Briony) novel Chapter 16

Chapter 16 

Beckett whisped out a pass card and handed it over to Noella

Here’s the key to every mall under Rising Glory. It’s loaded with a 5% stock of the group. You can now strut into any place like you own it. No more waiting in line to get in.” 


Sackett cracked a smile, the affection on his handsome face growing

You’re my sis; tossing a few shares your way is a piece of cake, and it makes shopping a breeze. Just swipe the card I gave you the sky’s the limit. If it’s not enough, holler at me!” 

Do the other brothers have one too?” 

Beckett said matteroffactly, What makes those rascals think they can score shares from me? I’ve had this card ready for ages, just waiting to hand it over when you got back.” 

Years ago, when the four Schnabel boys found out Elara wasn’t their blood sister, they started planning the perfect welcomeback present

Counting the two cards Beckett gave away, they still had a whole bunch of goodies up their 


Beckett was sick of the homegrown troublemakers, but now that his sweet and cuddly sis was back, he was all in on spoiling her rotten

After all she was their very own flesh and blood

How about lunch with me? The rooftop garden is my special creation just for you! I’ll clear it out for a private spin?” 

Getting a table at Rising Glory Mall’s rooftop garden was something money couldn’t even buy

Noella was about to say she had plans later, but looking into Beckett’s hopeful eyes, the word 

ho just wouldn’t come out 

No need to clear the place. I’ll have lunch with you.” 

Alright your wish is my command.” 

Beckett gazed at his little sister, liking her more by the second, his face beaming with a panemal warmth that could match their parents

She really knew how to make his day, so understanding and considerate

Beaming with joy. Beckett gave Noella a few instructions and then zipped off to work

Meanwhile the security guard stood in front of Belinda and her crew, politely but firmly informing them they were banned from shopping at Rising Glory Group establishments

Belinda fumed. Why can’t we shop? We’re customers, too! What’s the deal with Rising Glory 


Chapter 16 

Group? I’m going to complain!” 

Briony chimed in. Yeah, sir, we specifically came to snag Master Azure’s new release. Why can’t we shop?” 

The guard kept up his professional, fake smile. Sorry, you’ve crossed a line with someone you shouldn’t have. All businesses under Rising Glory Group will be blacklisting you.” 

Belinda was speechless. What the heck was going on

Being blacklisted by Rising Glory Group, where would she and Briony shop now

We’re here to spend money!” 

With a wave of the guard’s hand, a squad of security swooped in, grabbed the struggling trio, and tossed them out on their ears

Don’t disturb our other customers. Mr. Schnabel has made it clear, by crossing our young miss, you’re forever blacklisted by Rising Glory Group!” 

With a clap of his hands, the guard sauntered off

The highsociety onlookers who had hoped for a show quickly distanced themselves from the three wannabes who seemed to have the logos of luxury brands stamped on their faces, especially after hearing they had offended the young miss of Rising Glory Group

Belinda couldn’t believe it

They were just thrown out like that

When had the Lambert or Rosenberg families ever faced such humiliation

Briony burst into tears. Mom, when did we ever cross Rising 

just talked to my sister!” 

ry Group’s young miss? We 

Belinda was beyond annoyed. What sister? She’s a country bumpkin, not fit to be your sister. From now on, steer clear of her!” 

Milford dusted himself off as he stood up

I never heard about the Rising Glory Group’s CEO having a sister. Could it be Noella?” 

Belinda dismissed the thought. Impossible. That girl’s from Emerald County. You know how poor she 

  1. is. She must be clinging to us, what young miss? Maybe that little tramp is up to no good” 

Let’s head back, Milford. I’ve watched you grow up; I won’t rest easy until you and Briony are engaged.” 

Briony blushed at the mention of Milford, her childhood crush and dream husband. She had always wanted to marry into the Rosenberg family

Milford grinned. Belinda, Briony and I are young; no rush.” 



Chapter te 

Belinda frowned, holding back further comments

Milford excused himself after a few calls from his buddies about new models at a nearby bar

Briony stomped her foot as he disappeared. Mom, is he going after Noella? I’m his fiancée!” 

Belinda’s eyes flickered with malice. That girl must be behind this, aiming for the Rosenberg family. After all you can’t find a catch like that in Emerald County.” 

What do we do it she seduces him?Briony was frustrated

Belinda’s eyes gleamed with cold calculation. If that little wretch isn’t back in Emerald County, It’s only natural for her to get into trouble here in Imperial City.” 

Backstage at the Azure’s new store 

Kital passed over a thick reservation list, his face splitting with a grin

Boss, take a look at this. These are the earnings from our new store, and the profit is pretty sweet! But why on earth do you insist on cutting Rising Glory Group a deal?” 

Noella replied nonchalantly. I own shares in Rising Glory.” 

Kitai was flabbergasted

Holy moly, boss, you’re basically shifting cash from one pocket to the other, and by doing that. you’re making the whole Rising Glory Group take a shine to us!” 

Noella just kept quiet. That wasn’t exactly what she had in mind

She just thought Beckett had it tough and wanted to lend her big bro a hand. Besides, she was holding onto his supplementary card helping her big bro rake in the cash was like padding her own wallet

Kital was over the moon. Yesterday, some filthy rich dude ordered a thousand pieces of clothing from us. We even sold off the stock that was piling up. He said he’s gonna keep coming back to preorder next season’s new arrivals from us.” 


Kitai flipped to the first page and pointed at a name, This suckerno, this big spender! Tristan Schnabel, Boss. Does the name ring any bell?” 

Noella was silent. Not only had she heard of him, but she had breakfast with this very big spenderthat morning

Give the Schnabel family priority rights in the future.” 

Priority rights? How much are we charging?


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