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The Killer Queen (Noella Briony) novel Chapter 175

Chapter 175 

Tristan snatched Elara’s phone, playing the message over and over

What the heck is this guy on about? Is he speaking gibberish? Am I missing something here?” 

How come he could understand every word, but couldn’t make heads or tails of it

Elara blinked, overwhelmed by the tidal wave of information coming from the recording. What did it mean that she was Jacob’s child

Beckett sidled up to Elara. Dad, I thought Mr. Jacob Pollack was a bachelor. How could he have kids?” 

Could it be that Tandy got it wrong? With so many kids at the orphanage, a mixup wouldn’t be that farfetched

Tristan shook his head. Ancient history. Heard his fiancée passed away young, they never made it down the aisle. But that’s not the point!” 

What mattered was how mindblowing this whole situation was

Sienna looked at Elara with concern. Elara, what do you think?” 

Meeting the hopeful yet cautious gaze of her family, Elara slowly shook her head. I don’t know. Let’s get a DNA test with Mr. Pollack first.” 

Tristan smacked his forehead. Right, DNA first! Maybe Tandy’s just talking nonsense!” 

Palmer’s audio file had also made its way to Jacob’s phone. He replayed it numerous times! He’d snooped around Heartfelt Orphanage and Tandy Hospital in private more times than he could count! Tandy’s words were all over the place, but Jacob was not ready to let go of the details just yet

The Schnabel family marched into Jacob’s office in full force

Knowing Jacob could potentially be his daughter’s biological father, Tristan’s gaze was filled with complex emotions. He decided to cut to the chase

Mr. Pollack, mind sparing us a few strands of your hair?” 

Jacob looked up at the Schnabels, especially at Elara, who had remained silent

You’ve heard the recording too?” 

We have. Let’s just verify whatever that person said is true.” 

Jacob let out a weary sigh, plucked a few hairs, and handed them to Elara in a sealed bag

Polaris Star Lab has the equipment for DNA testing; they’re faster than ours.” 

Elara frowned slightly. You don’t seem surprised at all?” 

Could Jacob have known about this all along

Jacob pulled out a locket from under his lab coat, opened it, and reluctantly passed it to Elara

The photo inside stunned the entire Schnabel family


The woman in the picture bore an uncanny resemblance to Elara. It was like looking at a carbon copy of her beauty

Jacob offered a bitter smile. Striking resemblance, isn’t it? The first time I saw you, I thought you looked so much like her. Elara, go get that DNA test.” 

Beckett frowned. Mr. Pollack, if you had suspicions about Elara’s identity before, why didn’t you say 



Jacob’s fists clenched, his voice thick with sorrow. What was I supposed to say? I didn’t even know I could possibly have a child! My fiancée Yvette is gone, and there’s no one to tell me the truth. And even if she is my child, Is it my place to just come out with it?” 

His gaze lingered on Tristan and Sienna. You love her dearly, and I can’t even begin to tell her how Wette left us. I am a failed father; what right do I have to disrupt Elara’s happiness?” 

The Schnabels loved Elara dearly. They’d video call her daily and sent treats to Emerald County nonstop. Freya and Merrick were ready to tear down the research institute at the slightest sign of Elara’s distress

Meanwhile, he was just a man with nothing

Elara gazed at the woman in the photograph, her face radiating warmth as she smiled, tears shimmering in 

her eyes

When did you find outthat I was your child?” 

Last year. Remember when the institute collected DNA from all the researchers? I used my authority to make a copy for a DNA test.” 

Jacob couldn’t believe he had another child just based on resemblance! It wasn’t until he saw the DNA report that he felt his world go from shattered to completea cruel joke

Tristan exploded, You dicsince you did a DNA test, why didn’t you just show the report and save Elara the trouble?” 

He was fuming at Jacob’s actions

Tristan snatched the paternity test report that Jacob had dug out, scoffing as he did so. Our family loves Elara dearly. When Sienna and I got married, she said she wanted a big, lively familyfive kids, a full hand, none missing. But that’s no excuse for knowing she’s your child and not acknowledging her

When we learned Noella was ours, we couldn’t wait to bring her home. How could you bear to not acknowledge Elara? How could you be so heartless? Jacob, let me tell you, Elara’s never been materialistic. Even if your wife passed early and she never got to meet her mother, she wouldn’t blame you

Do you have any idea how considerate she is? She was afraid Noella would be upset by her presence and didn’t even dare to come home! You have no clue how wonderful my child is! You didn’t choose Elara; you chose to be a coward! I don’t even want to give my daughter to you. What a joke!” 

Tristan slammed the paternity report down on the desk, his neck veins bulging with anger


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