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The Killer Queen (Noella Briony) novel Chapter 18

Chapter 18 

Yvonne was fuming and green with envy as everyone fussed over Noella, checking on her

Despite being a daughter of the Schnabel family too, why couldn’t she get the same VIP treatment

Noella was thoroughly checked over by the family from head to toe

Tristan, spotting Yvonne still standing there, waved his hand dismissively and said, Yvonne, your sister’s back, You can hit the road now.” 

Yvonne swallowed back her tears, reluctantly dragging herself away

This was all Noella’s fault

Why did she have to come back and steal everything from her

Yvonne bolted straight for Ashlyn’s hospital room and as soon as she entered, she collapsed beside Ashlyn, crying her eyes out

Grandma, what did I do wrong? I saw Noella getting kidnapped and rushed back to tell Mom and Dad, and I even busted my phone, but they didn’t believe me and kicked me out!” 

Ashlyn’s eyes snapped open, the sparkle of vitality shining in them

You’re saying Noella was kidnapped?” 

Yeah, and I saw those thugs touching her all over, stripping her clothes off” 

A look of disgust and agitation flashed across Ashlyn’s eyes. She frowned and said slowly, We. the Schnabel family don’t want a tainted granddaughter. Yvonne, remember, you are the only granddaughter of the Schnabel family, got it?” 

Yvonne was over the moon

But what about Mom and Dad” 

I’m not dead yet. I call the shots in the Schnabel family.” 

Ashlyn patted Yvonne’s hand, her face wrinkling into a smile. You need to secure that marriage arrangement with the Pollack family. Once you marry in, you’ll always be the Schnabel family’s one and only daughter!” 

light bulb went off in Yvonne’s head

Right, the marriage deal with the Pollack families

She grew up in the Schnabel family, groomed to perfection as a lady of high society. Once Mr. Pollack laid eyes on her, he’d surely see she was the perfect match

How could Noella, a country bumpkin, compete with her

Once Yvonne became Mrs. Pollack, both the Schnabel and Pollack families would be hers


Chapter 18 

Grandma, I’ll do my best. I’m going to visit Grandpa Sexton right away! As long as Grandpa. Sexton takes a shine to me, Mr. Pollack will know I’m the right choice, and I won’t let your down.” 

Ashlyn smiled, satisfied. Yvonne was a gift from the heavens, always so sweet and empathetic since she was a child. As for Clara and Noella, neither were fit to be her granddaughters

Imperial West Hospital 

No sooner had Noella entered the hospital than she received an encrypted call from an island

Boss, a new batch of hitmen has arrived. Something feels off. The Cerulean Whale has been. making big moves lately. I heard they’ve hooked up with the Toxic Monarch from the deep. web.” 

The Toxic Monarch, a drug lord lurking in the darkest corners of the deep web

Controlling the largest poppy fields In the area and a private army, topping the international police’s mostwanted list, always shrouded in mystery

Noella frowned slightly. No wonder the Cerulean Whale is going nuts, looks like they want to expand their turf in Harmonia Country. Use my account to tip off the international cops, and give em this intel on the house.” 

Got it.” 

After hanging up, her message alert started blinking

It was Vocalist

[Toxic Monarch and Cerulean Whale are teaming up. Imperial West Hospital’s got some staff on the take, so watch your six.

Noella was confused

Why’s he feeding her this intel

Got an addiction to being the bearer of bad news

Getting this kind of scoop usually meant tapping into the core assets of their respective powers, and here Vocalist was, handing over his findings on a silver platter, making Noella’s cheeks burn

As she walked into the hospital room, Noella heard Marcel’s loud ranting. Don’t you dare try backing out of the game, you! Stop playing possum and get up!” 


Marcel, with a handful of chess pieces, turned to see his precious granddaughter and broke into a huge grin

Come here. Noella, this is Grandpa Sexton.” 




Hello, Grandpa Sexton.” 

Sexton, seeing Noella, immediately forgot about his aching head and back, and sat bolt upright in bed, eyes lighting up at the sight of the girl

Graceful and beautiful, moving with easy confidence, and what really caught his eye was her captivating presence

Great, just great. I’m finally meeting my granddaughterinlaw.” 

Noella was caught offguard


She composed herself, her eyelashes fluttering like crow feathers, making the dust in the air seem to pause in her gaze. The next second, Noella looked seriously at Marcel

Grandpa, something’s off with this room. It wasn’t like this when I came yesterday.” 

Marcel was surprised, but if his granddaughter said so, he chose to believe unconditionally

Go check it out, I’ll cover for you. Come on, Sexton, keep playing.” 

Sexton wasn’t in the mood for chess now, his eyes practically glued to Noella. He was more than pleased! He had some reservations about Yvonne. Sure, she was pretty, but she lacked. depth, not quite fitting the bill as Mrs. Pollack

As for Elara, Sexton liked her too, but the thought of a bookworm paired with his taciturn grandson gave him a headache

Noella was perfect

Carefully, Noella scoured the hospital room, leaving no stone unturned. She once nabbed an arms dealer with her uncanny profiling skills while working with Interpol, earning her the title of honorary comradeinarms

Noella tapped her fingers on the ground, her brows furrowing slightly


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