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The Killer Queen (Noella Briony) novel Chapter 27

Chapter 27 

Noella once thought her parents were just some downontheirluck farmers, but turned out they’ve been topping the Harmonia Country rich list for over a decade as super tycoons

It’s just that Marcel played it super lowkey. But darn it, the four Schnabel sons and Elara were just too brilliant, shining like a dazzling pearl on Harmonia’s map

The Pollacks were also one of the top three big shots around

Palmer suddenly got jittery, his voice trembling without even realizing, What if you marry into one of those wealthy families?” 

Noella frowned without thinking. Not about marrying into wealth, she hadn’t even considered marriage at all

Seeing her frown, Palmer’s heart sank, and he gripped the steering wheel tight

Noella asked coolly. What’s it to you?” 

He’s not from some fancy family. So Why’s he asking

Palmer zoned out, sighed, and his smile carried a hint of selfmockery. You’re right, it’s none of my business.” 

He still got this darn engagement hanging over him, not in any position to say such things to her until it was called off

Even if he wanted to take things further, he had to wait till he was free. That was the least respect he owed Noella

Noella thought maybe she had been too harsh and stung Palmer a bit

After all, he still needed to drive an Uber to make ends meet, so his family must have been struggling. Same last name as Pollack, but that kind of wealth was out of his league for life

She had been too cruel

Ididn’t mean it like that. You just focus on your job, work hard, make money. Don’t be jealous of the rich. Their life might not be your cup of tea.” 

You’re right.” 

A big grin spread across Palmer’s face! He chuckled lowly, his voice magnetic and filled with allure, echoing in the tight space of the car, making Noella’s heart skip a beat

Palmer pulled up outside the Schnabel complex and leaned over to unfasten Noella’s seat belt

You live here?” 

Yeah, for now.” 

Per Beckett’s plan, she wouldn’t be there much longer. The transfer of the prime property in 



Chapter 27 

Serene Haven was moving at Beckett’s breakneck pace, soon to be in Noella’s name

Noella got out of the car

Palmer waved and said, Goodnight.” 

He seemed to be smiling, sending a tremor through Noella’s chest. She didn’t look back. hurrying into the complex

Palmer waited until she disappeared before turning around and driving toward his place in Serene Haven

Yvonne was sneakily hiding behind some bushes at the gate, trying to make her presence felt to the Schnabel parents, but instead, she caught Noella getting out of that guy’s car from earlier

Even the Schnabelsgrocery nanny would turn her nose up at that car! It couldn’t even get through the Schnabelsgate and had to park outside. Poor Noella had to walk back to her. building, quite a stretch away

This guy must have been poor

Yvonne captured the whole process of Noella getting out of the car, even that sweet smile when she got out

This guy must be Noella’s boyfriend

Country bumpkin to the core, her taste in men just as shabby even into an Uber driver. How could she dare compete with me

Yvonne was in high spirits as she walked through the Schnabel gate. She burst into Elara’s room and said, Elara, I think I saw Noella’s boyfriend!” 

Elara wasn’t in the mood to talk to Yvonne. It’s middle of the night. Don’t go nuts. You’re just in time to explain why you messed with my laptop and then blamed Noella for it?” 

Yvonne had almost forgotten about the laptop data issue

It was an accident, Elara. I know how important your data is, and I’d never touch it! Believe me, I really got it wrong. I just wanted to help you clean your desk since you haven’t been home for months!” 

Elara frowned, trying to read the truth behind that heavily madeup face

Yvonne quickly tried to lighten the mood, afraid Elara would lash out. Look, Elara. Noella got out of this car both day and night, and she was smiling at the driver! Must be her boyfriend!” 

Yvonne was so sure, and Elara took a look at the video on her phone

In the video, Noella got into a car, and later she got out at the complex, smiling at the driver

Could this really be Noella’s boyfriend?! 

Elara grabbed the phone and watched it repeatedly


Chapter 27 

Yvonne was triumphant! Now let’s see how Noella gets out of this one

After watching several times. Elara held her face and giggled like a lovesick fool. Noella’s so cute even when she’s taking a cab!” 

Yvonne couldn’t believe it. Had Elara lost it? How did she see cuteness in that short clip


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