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The Killer Queen with Multiple Disguises by Novia Ford novel Chapter 15

Chapter 15 The Rankings 

The rankings are out, let me see who’s at the bottom!” 

Shit, the last place isn’t from Class 7? Something’s not right!” 

Forget about the last place, there’s not a single student from Class 7 among the last ten or even the last hundred?” 

The Class 1 students started to panic, and even Ms. Lee became slightly nervous

It must be a system error!Jayden speculated

Yeah, the system must have excluded Class 7,” Mia sneered. Maybe they thought Class 7 always ranks last, so there’s no need to put them on the list!” 

This conclusion was widely accepted, and everyone continued to look at the rankings

Just when they thought the situation was true as they speculated, a name appeared on the screen

No. 49, Class 7, Sun Miller.” 

The crowd erupted in astonishment

Oh my gosh! Sun’s exgirlfriend Mia is only ranked 67th this time? How did he perform so well?” 

Is Hedy’s teaching really that effective?” 

That’s impossible, Hedy used to perform worse than Sun!” 



Chapter 15 The Rankings 

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Then what’s the reason for his remarkable improvement in this exam?” 

Everyone was puzzled

Little did they know, this was just the beginning of their confusion

The screen continued to scroll, and one name after another from Class 7 appeared in the rankings

No. 42, Class 7” 

No. 40, Class 7” 

No. 18, Class 7” 

No. 12, Class 7” 

When the names of Class 7 students appeared among the top ten, everyone was completely dumbfounded

How could Class 7 achieve ch outstanding results in just fifteen days

No. 6, Class 1, Jayden” 

At this point, the large screen changed to a more striking color because the next rankings to be announced were the top five

Everyone held their breath

Someone whispered

We havenot seen Hedy’s name yet, right?” 

Except for Hedy, the rankings of the other Class 7 students had been revealed



Chapter 15 The Rankings 

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Hedy was a key figure in the ongoing rivalry between Class 7 and Class 1, and it was hard for everyone to ignore her

Is Hedy fifth?” 

The screen scrolled, No. 5, Class 1, xxx.” 

Or maybe fourth?” 

No. 4, Class 1, xxx.” 

She’s third?” 

No. 3, Class 1, Oliver Johnson.” 

I bet she’s second, and first place goes to Gloria Rossi!One of Gloria’s loyal fans exclaimed

However, the information on the large screen quickly contradicted their claims

No. 2, Class 1, Gloria Rossi.‘ 

Finally, the scrolling stopped, and the font on the screen enlarged and bolded

No. 1, Class 7, Hedy Ellis!” 

At the same time, the rankings of each class’s average scores were also announced

First place: Class 7

In an instant.. 

The audience fell into complete silence

Even the sound of a falling leaf hitting the ground seemed piercingly 



Chapter 15 The Rankings 

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Ms. Lee’s face turned pale, Mia trembled all over, and Jayden covered his face

The Class 1 students wore expressions of shock, while students from other classes had their mouths hanging open 

Compared to them, the Class 7 students remained relatively calm

They had already anticipated this outcome

But upon closer inspection, one would notice that they were not as composed as they appeared

Their eyes reddened, their hands clenched tightly, and they slowly released the pentup resentment they had accumulated over these days and years

With their achievements, they proved that they were not trash

They had stood up for Godde Hedy and saved Mr. Evan’s job

Quit! Apologize!Sun shouted with raised arms

The victory was sealed, and it was time to settle the score

Quit! Apologize!” 

The Class 7 students echoed in unison, repeating it over and over again

With all eyes watching, even those who didn’t want to admit defeat had to consider the consequences

Jayden was the first to accept the reality. He walked up to Hedy, bowing and speaking humbly, I’m sorry.” 



Chapter 15 The Rankings 

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Then he proceeded to bow and apologize to every Class 7 student

Students from Class 1 followed suit; they were eager to quickly finish their apologies and leave this cursed place

Mia, dragging her feet, finally approached Hedy to apologize. She did so halfheartedly, saying, Sorry.” 

It’s your honor.” 

Hedy broke her silence since the announcement of the rankings

Because your

ranked 49th, while you ranked 67th.” 

Mia’s head jerked up

Wasn’t this the exact insult she hurled at Sun back then

Hedy enunciated each word clearly, You should also feel ashamed. Sun ate cheap bread for a whole month to save money and buy you a birthday gift, yet you played with the heart of this boy who sincerely cared for you.” 

Mia bit her lower lip and covered her face as she ran away

Goddess Hedy, it’s so nice of you to get my back!Sun, the tough guy, burst into tears, approaching Hedy with his snot on the verge of flowing

He truly adored Goddess Hedy

Well, it was just admiration

I’m just stating the facts,Hedy replied, turning her face away

At that moment, a male teacher approached from the direction of the principal’s office and handed a dismissal letter to Ms. Lee, who was still lost in her thoughts



Chapter 15 The Rankings 

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Ms. Lee, the principal said you should keep your promises and set an example for the students.” 


The students from Class 7 jumped up joyfully

Student Union Office

Gloria swept the documents off the table, her chest heaving with anger. The once gentle look in her eyes had transformed into a fierce expression

Why did Hedy get better grades than me?” 

It was just a vacation. How could Hedy become so smart

Last time at the library, as soon as Hedy left, someone went to the surveillance room and reviewed the footage. It was confirmed that Gloria had indeed appeared the stairs at “13:17:38. She didn’t even 

have the chance to make any move

Gloria could only claim that she was distracted and didn’t notice what happened outside the stairs

As the president of the Student Union, her every word and action was under scrutiny by the public. This incident spread widely among the students, resulting in a lot of negative comments

Even the votes for her on the campus beauty ranking had decreased significantly

Meanwhile, Hedy’s popularity was soaring, surging into the top 20

I didn’t notice,Gloria took a deep breath and adjusted herself



Chapter 15 The Rankings 

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standing by the window and watching Hedy being surrounded in the square. She muttered to herself

Hedy, the future is long. Let’s wait and see!” 

Hedy, there’s a long way to go. Just wait and see!” 

Class 7


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