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The Killer Queen with Multiple Disguises by Novia Ford novel Chapter 170

Chapter 170 Flames are like me, faceslapping live broadcast

This final not only has a large number of online audiences, but also a large number of onsite audiences

The relatives of the players came. On 

Amber’s side, the queen’s mother and shareholder’s father are present

On Hedy’s side, there are Buddy, Malina, Josh and Kit

The first to play is the Amber group

The lights went out, and the surroundings were gloomy. The word Waterappeared on the big screen, with Susan s faint light glowing

Water falls from the top of the stage, and the fog created by dry ice covers the entire stage

The host appeared in the camera and gave an emotional introduction

A girl group consisting of five members

Amber and Lee, will be on stage soon. Their group name is Water, and their manifesto is, like water, gentle and changeable The camera 

turned to the stage, and the lights also hit Amber and the others. They were wearing loose and casual silk lightcolored singing clothes, trying to create a soft and watery feeling

On the website, bullet screens flew up in many places

Amber is a pure rose, and the three views are super positive Lee

Chapter 170 Flames are like me faceslapping five boadcarr 

rushing to the duck!” 

They are both beautiful and beautiful, and they are all powerful fairy sisters!” 

Just ask Hedy what can surpass Amber!” 

Give me Hedy’s heavy weight Step on it!” 

In the auditorium, the welldressed Victoria hugged her husband’s arm with one hand and wiped her tears with the other, as if she was very proud of her daughter’s growth

Victoria’s husband is an old man twenty years older than her, already bald

The reporter asked how they got married, and Victoria replied, true love


Doris was furious, You want to steal the group name, you want to steal the singing and dancing, you even have to steal the song costumes and stage design styles, it’s disgusting!” 

Bird took a break from his busy schedule and went online with Amber 

idiotic fans 

with his mobile phone. In the past three days, Amber’s brainless fans have frequently gone to their Twitter, urging them to have more brains to join Amber and stop messing with Hedy

Bird took a few deep breaths and abruptly changed the swearing words into

My dear, thank you for your kindness. I suggest you moveout from the Pacific Ocean. It’s tiring to manage such a wide area.” 

Chapter 170 Flames are like me, faceslapping live broadcast

1288 (Voucher 

Doris and Vanilla directly tweeted, We only recognize Hedy as the captain.” 

Just kidding, do you really think everyone is Lee

Hedy narrowed his eyes slightly

With the help of Morning director Lew, as long as her new work can crush Amber, it will not lose too many votes

At that time, when the people from Preston find it, they will be able to overtake smoothly

-It’s Hedy’s turn to take the stage

The stage dimmed again, and the words Fireappeared on the screen

The girl group that will be on stage next is Hedy, Doris, Vanilla, and Bird.The host stood in front of the camera

Their group name is Fire, where F stands for Vanilla s style, and i stands for Bird’s color, r stands for Dorissoftness, and e stands for Hedy’s leaf

Their declaration is, like me!” 

Fire, fire, is the new group name of the Hedy group

They were Water, water, gentle water

Lee, who stands for t, rebelled, turning this water into fire, the fire of 


The barrage of the website was swiped up

One is called water and the other is called fire. Isn’t water and fire incompatible?” 

Chapter 170 

Flammet pre lka me faceslapping for beadcast 

Why do they look the same as Amber and the others? Even the songs are very similar!” 

Through the live broadcast camera, you can see the four Hedy, also wearing loose and casual silk Lightcolored clothing

The music coming out of the sterco is the same as Amber s, but with a slightly changed tune

Although they also look good and sound good, but such a similar stage, is it really okay

Everyone sent out a large ??on the barrage

The audience in the auditorium didn’t quite understand either


Amber said coldly, I said they couldn’t come up with a better work than Waterwithin three days?” 

Lee s worry was completely unnecessary

Indeed.Lee was completely relieved, and couldn’t help but sneer

They just changed the key of Water and didn’t even change the song and costume. It can be seen that Hedy is at the end of his skills


The four of Hedy lowered their heads, or looked away, or closed their eyes, or looked up, as if they were remembering something

The depression is over and the climax is coming

The four of Hedy stopped remembering, grabbed their lightcolored singing clothes in unison, and tore them hard, tearing off the first layer 

Chapter 170 Flames are like me, faceslapping live broadcast

1288 Vouchers 

of clothes, revealing the black new singing clothes inside

This set of singing clothes is capable, cool, chilling, and glamorous


Flames erupted from the edge of the stage, and the image on the screen also turned into a burning hunter. The four seemed to be reborn from the fire and danced in the fire

There is a Hedy rap link in the midfield

After the rap was finished, the music paused for a while, and Hedy took a deep breath into the microphone, and then let it out lightly

The barrage increased suddenly


Help! Hedy is blowing in my ear! Ah, I’m dead!” 

This song is much better than 

Amber!Who said just now that the Hedy group can’t surpass the Amber group?” 

Stage, the music continues and the show continues

Backstage, Amber and Lee froze in place, the blood on their faces. disappeared bit by bit

In the auditorium, Malina leaned in Buddy’s arms, weeping with joy and pride

Josh was sitting upright, listening quietly, while Kit was holding up a light sign with his sister’s name on it


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