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The Killer Queen with Multiple Disguises by Novia Ford novel Chapter 236

Chapter 236 I’ll bet that Hedy’s fans don’t have a high IQ

Dane just paused for a while, then returned to his office and continued to work on the matter at hand

At noon, he notified all men and women of the right age in the Figure Skating Association by means of an 


two months later, the association will hold a competition in the United States, and the member with the highest total score will be eligible to be selected by the host to 

participate in the men’s/women’s singles at this year’s Winter Olympics People slip

For a while, everyone was very excited, especially the members in the ice rink of the association

Several girls gathered next to a phoenixeyed girl in her twenties who was wearing a black dress and her hair was coiled behind her head

The men’s singles side is not bad in strength, and there will probably be a fierce battle.” 

Women’s singles is different. Summer has the highest 

evel, the total score must be the first, and he will definitely be selected!” 

And Summer seems to be the first person here who can ump around!” 


Chapter 296 (I bet that Hedy’s fans don’t have a high Q 

Looking at the world, there are not many women’s singles players who can jump around. Summer If you work hard this year, you might be able to rank!Maybe better than 

Mona of the national team!” 

The figure skating scoring system is divided into two parts

A part, related to technology, is called TES technology points

Technique points to jumps, spins and consecutive steps

The other part, related to art, is called PCS program content points

It mainly depends on the interpretation and performance of the selected songs by the contestants

Combining the two, and then removing the player’s deduction item, it is equal to the player’s total score

The jumping aroundin the mouth of the girls means umping up and turning around before landing

his difficulty is very high, and correspondingly, the jump points that can be obtained are also high

For example, the backtoside ice jump, Toe loop jumps, he English abbreviation T” 

ake the counterclockwise player as an example, the blade f the left foot touches the ice, and the outer edge of the ght rear takes off

The contestant jumps up and turns for two weeks, which is 2T, and the basic jump score is 1.3

The contestant jumps up and turns three times, which is 3T, and the basic jump score is 4.1

The contestant jumped up and turned around, it was 4T, and the basic jump score was 10.3

The gap in the middle, needless to say, can be understood

But high scores are not so easy to get

A quadruple jump requires a height of about 60 centimeters and a distance of about 2 meters

When a skater lands on one foot while stepping on the skates, they need to bear a weight 5-8 times their own body weight, which has a great impact on the legs

This is still in the case of a successful jump

f the jump is unsuccessful, ranging from scratches, to severe cases sent to the hospital on the spot

There are also players who suffered brain damage in order o practice quadruple jumps and could not take care of hemselves

Summer can successfully jump four times, which has to be described as awesome

Where can I get the ranking?Summer’s mouth was modest, but the ambition in his eyes couldn’t be concealed

40 (Vouchert 

She has loved figure skating since childhood

Being rejected by the figure skating national team took a toll on her dignity

This time, the host selectionat the right time and place, let her use her strength to slap those people in the face

She gambled on her health to practice quadruple jumping, so that one day she would become famous in the field she loves

It is different from some people’s play tickets. The play ticketin 

Summer’s mouth refers to Hedy

Hedy is the first woman in the figure skating association to go through the back door and practice on the ice rink of the association

She is a rookie, so she is not afraid of shame

I’m afraid that others will not know that I rely on connections, right

At this moment, Summer doesn’t know that Hedy is 

practicing in the association, just because the association’s ice rink is closest to her

Summer only felt that Hedy was stepping forward

stepping back, and turning like this

Like a baby, just learning to walk

She could see that Hedy wanted to try arc skating to improve the beautybeauty is very important to figure skating 


The inexperienced Hedy fell again

My elbows are blue


Summer heard ridicule from behind, turned around and saw a girl with short hair holding a mobile phone, pointing at Hedy

The girl next to her also asked, How is it? Did you record it?” 

he girl with the mobile phone replied, It was recorded.” 

Yesterday you posted a video of her wrestling and gained more than 3,000 followers!” 

It means you hate it.” She still has a lot of people.”” 

I hate her too, she’s really good at putting on, I can’t wait to write the words Sister is Goddess Hedyon her face.” 

Then she kept falling on the ice surface.” 

The girl Amused by the onomatopoeia

Summer turned around, and she looked at them with some coldness in his eyes



You two, feel that you are very proud to laugh at the 

inevitable mistakes of beginners from a professional point of view, don’t you?” 

She didn’t like Hedy

But she didn’t like the behavior of these two girls even 


Who didn’t fall when practicing figure skating

When questioned by Summer, the two girls froze and their faces turned ugly

The video has been deleted.Summer raised his chin, Or, I’ll tell the president about your secret recording of the video.” 

It secretly recorded the video, not to mention inferior character, but also violated other people’s privacy right

Don’t! I, I deleted it.The girl confessed

Summer skids off the rink

After she left, the two girls gritted their teeth and showed disdain

What the hell, if you praise her for being able to jump around, does she really take herself seriously?” 

That’s right, hasn’t she been selected by the national 


She can also show off in our association. Olympic Games,

will definitely be beaten by athletes from other countriest 

It’s unlucky, let’s go, let’s go to the side and rerecord” 

The two girls hid aside, and in the afternoon, a new Wrestling material clipwas posted on the Internet

Those who wait to see Hedy’s jokes are delighted

First floor, It’s hard to imagine that Childe King’s girlfriend 

is the best shot in the video

Dropping cannons, a type of firecrackers, explode as soon as they fall to the ground

Hedy’s figure wrestling in the video is indeed like a throwing cannonthat has become a master

Second floor, Thanks to the blogger for the video, it made me realize more clearly that Hedy is also a mortal

The third floor, She just knows a little bit more things, and she is praised by fans for being omnipotent. It’s so funny

Fourth Floor, I bet that Hedy’s fans have low IQs and no ability to think independently


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