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The Killer Queen with Multiple Disguises by Novia Ford novel Chapter 243

Chapter 243 Why Didn’t You Appear In My World Earlier 

In Hedy’s previous years, birthdaywas no different from Monday or Tuesday

She in the ghetto has no right to celebrate

In the organization, she had no intention of celebrating

Because at that time, the socalled birthdaydid not have the completion day of a certain task, which made her feel more relaxed physically and mentally

Gradually, she buried her own birthday

Buried together is the birthday gift that I secretly looked forward to when I was young and ignorant

She is used to this burial

Today, someone redressed her forgotten expectation and held it up cherished


A tear falls on the only women’s bag in USA

Then, more tears fell

Preston was distressed, he held Hedy’s face in his hands, and gently wiped her tears with his thumb

Hedy looked at him, crying, and asked him hoarsely, Why didn’t you appear in my world earlier?” 

If he had been there in the first place

Hedy will definitely grow into a healthy and strong girl

rather than as it is now

Well, my fault.The man nodded, his brows and eyes slightly curved, and his voice was gentle, Then punish me and stay by your side for the rest of my life, okay?Humph.” 


turned her head and wiped her tears

The tears stopped, and the little nose was still red. It seemed that I was really wronged

Wow Woof! woof woof!the white little Bomei’s grandma called, attracting Hedy’s attention 

Who would say no to a cute, furry animal

Hedy bent down and hugged the puppy with both hands, the love in his eyes couldn’t be hidden

Wow!The puppy also liked Hedy, wagging its tail and licking Hedy’s face twice with its tongue

A name?Preston stroked the puppy’s head

Thirteen.Hedy’s voice was very soft

It was her thirteenth birthday present, so it was called Thirteen

Wow, woof!Thirteen seemed to like the name very much, and his tail wagged even more

Hedy liked it so much, he simply took his own head and rubbed 

Shisan’s head

at night

Little Thirteen sleeps at the end of the bed

Hedy fell asleep in Preston’s arms

Preston looked at the ceiling, and Hedy’s words Why didn’t you appear in my world soonerechoed in his ears

Regarding Hedy’s past, he discussed it with Aiden before coming

Aiden, like Hedy, was once a killer

He said that Hedy is very strong, and it can be seen from some subconscious actions that she did not enter this industry on a whim

Hedy is professionally trained as a killer

Those trainings are cruel, and will completely destroy the killer’s personality as a person from all aspects, and thus evolve into a tool

murder tool

For example, give you a family relationship, and then destroy the family relationship after you take it seriously

For example, arrange a friendship for you that seems to be in trouble. together, and then let your friend find a chance to backstab you, so that you will no longer have illusions about friendship

Clearly, Hedy has had a whole lot of training

It can be seen from her indifference to Sun at the beginning, her reticence to her parents, and her rejection of Preston

But Hedy is weird again


She received a whole set of training, but she didn’t completely become a coldblooded, scornful tool of life and death

This point may have something to do with the Coopermentioned in that letter

Aiden speculates that Cooperand Hedy may be in a relationship of mutual redemption

The elder sister protects the younger brother, and the existence of the younger brother reminds the elder sister that the world is not so bad

Like a star that guides the lost

The past is in the past.Preston stroked the sleeping face of the girl in his arms, his voice dissipated in the night wind

Come out of the closed place.” 

If you come out

You will see sincere friends

See real love

And I who will never abandon you

Everything is different from the past 

the next day

After a sleepless night, Preston went downstairs to make breakfast for Hedy who would wake up later

It just so happened that Josh came back from a morning jog outside

Brother Ellis Family has a fixed biological clock

I used to be busy working multiple jobs to support my ungrateful ex- girlfriend

Later, when there is nothing to do, it is better to exercise, which is beneficial and harmless

Seeing Preston coming out from the direction of his sister’s bedroom, Josh frowned

He saw Preston and his sister officially announced their relationship on Twitter, and he knew that the two had been living together for so long

Although my younger sister is an adult… 

Josh said lightly, Take good measures and don’t let her take medicine.” 

My younger sister is still young, and taking medicine is not good for her health before she has a baby

Preston, ?” 

For the first time, he didn’t understand what Josh meant

After thinking for a moment, I realized what Josh was talking about

He couldn’t laugh or cry, She and I haven’t reached that point yet.” 

This time it was Josh’s turn to question. It was hard for 

Josh to believe that Preston, a wolf with a big tail, could be so sage

Like is not sex, love is not sex, and the three cannot be confused.This is Preston’s philosophy

Of course he is not a saint

He also knew that if he asked, Hedy would give it to him

Because Hedy, as a killer, never thinks that bodyis a precious thing

She only feels that she can satisfy what he wants

This point is wrong

She doesn’t understand

He understands

Preston laughed, Unless she nods actively, I won’t make that step.” 


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