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The Killer Queen with Multiple Disguises by Novia Ford novel Chapter 278

Chapter 278 The human life on the back, the release of Starry Sky” 

This text message made Geen panic

A strong killing intent flashed across her docile face, she pressed her thumb heavily on the phone screen, and dialed an unknown number

Hey, I thought that the film queen has found her way back and decided not to lie to the world anymore.” 

A man’s breathless voice came from the other end

Geen lowered his volume and said sharply, Why are you contacting me?” 

Man, I’ve run out of money.” 

Geen took a deep breath, Didn’t I call you a million dollars this month?” 

Man, It’s all over, give some more

Hill, do you dare to be more shameless?Geen squeezed out a word through his teeth

Hill laughed loudly, Dare, but no matter how shameless I am, I am not as shameless as you who artificially create a fire, carry Childe King out, and pretend to be Childe King’s savior.” 

Geen set the 

fire back then. She saw that Preston missed his mother drunk, so she set a fire, and waited for the fire to spread big enough to carry Preston 


This was supposed to be a small fire, which was easy to extinguish, but unexpectedly there was a sudden gust of wind afterwards

The wind blew the flames and raged, and the small fire turned into a big fire. A total of three people were killed and seven people were seriously injured

These, Hill, who eats, drinks, prostitutes and gambles as a security guard, can see clearly in the monitoring room

At that time, he faced two choices

One, he handed over the monitoring to the police, and he was awarded with a pennant and thanked by the families of the victims

Two, using surveillance to blackmail the second lady of the wealthy family

He chooses the latter

Once blackmailed, it has been blackmailed for so many years

The extortion amount has also changed from 100,000 per month to 200,000, 300,000, 500,000, 1 million per monthThere is no way, who let Geen get better and better these years

Hill lazily said, Miss Geen, please put one million on my card now, immediately, immediately, and I’m waiting to go to the underground. casino to play.Do you think 

I’m an ATM?Geen gritted his teeth

She doesn’t lack this million, but she is disgusted by Hill’s greedy approach

OK, hang up, see you on the headlines tomorrow.Hill made a gesture to hang up

How dare you!Geen raised his voice, his tone was menacing, but his hand moved extremely quickly to transfer one million from the bank 

card to Hill

When one million arrived, Hill said in a happy tone

Okay, I’m going to play, by the way, you’d better not have any bad ideas, you also know, I regularly store the evidence online, if you don’t look at it for more than 24 hours, it will be It will be automatically sent to the major news media.” 

Geen’s eyes became more fierce, You don’t need to remind me!” 

After hanging up the phone, she deleted the call history and text 


Time flies

As the days passed, the filming progress of the two scifi films Lostand Your Starry Skywas improving little by little

Geen, who is good at marketing, explodes a still or event every now and then, and goes to the hot search from time to time to consolidate its popularity

On Hedy’s side, it tends to be quiet, and there is no relevant exposure

Because she has to learn how to make movies, make movies, act in movies, and find time to write theme songs, so she has no time to market

Also because she didn’t want to expose the content of the movie

It was a gift for Preston, and if it leaked out, there would be no surprises

During this time, Hedy is busy, and Preston is also busy

The two are separated by the Pacific Ocean, and only on the communication software every day, they say good morningand good nightto each other, and simply ask have you eatenand keep warm

No one talked much

Spring went to summer, and a few more months passed

Both Lostand Your Starry Skywere filmed, and they were scheduled for the same Labor Day schedule

Just as netizens were guessing which of these two films would win the premiere on the first day of Labor Day, Starry Skyannounced the premiere on the first day

Hedy didn’t argue

The number two is Preston’s birthday 

But netizens feel that she has never competed with Geen, and can only be ranked second in the premiere

During the period of waiting for the release, the crew of Starry Skyhas been promoting intensively, claiming to use this film to open the door to science fiction movies in the United States

They also bought a lot of marketing accounts and navy band rhythms

These guys who do things for money, while praising Starry Sky, don’t forget to step on Lost

Grandma was so angry that she wanted to help Hedy market for a while

Hedy refused, with a calm expression, I read the original book of Starry Sky, and I also watched the promotional video of the movie

It’s very average, and it can’t compare with Lost” 


It tells the story of humans in the future who are attacked by alien Zerg, and all countries in the world form an alliance to resist the Zerg invasion

It is set in the book that due to the siege of Zerg, humans can no longer see the normal starry sky, and the younger generations can only appreciate the beauty of the night sky from textbooks and the Internet

The male and female protagonists were childhood sweethearts, and they were drafted into the army together when they grew up

On the eve of the war, the hero and heroine met to watch the starry sky together after the war

In the end, the male protagonist died protecting the female protagonist and human beings, and the Zerg race was completely wiped out. The female protagonist finally saw the bright stars and cried with her head 

  1. up

When it comes to love, Starry Skyis remarkable

In terms of science fiction, Starry Skyshould stand aside, it is not qualified, and even the car exhaust of Lostcan’t be touched. The stronger 

Geen’s marketing is now, the worse it will be backlashed by then

Grandma frowned, But I saw on Twitter that the number of films for Starry Skyis very high, and Geen seems to be looking for a relationship.” 

Hedy calmly said, The current audience is not stupid, and the director will not give them a bunch of inconsistent names. They not only accept 

everything, but also obediently praise the director

They have their own thinking and the ability to choose.” 

Grandma thought about it, so she didn’t mention it again, and only said another thing, Preston The plane returns at 11 o’clock in the evening on the first day.” 

Hedy was a little surprised, Isn’t he still going to stay abroad for a month?” 

Grandma smiled you understand, He came back early and said that Lostis Your first selfdirected and selfacted work is very 

meaningful, and you have to participate in the premiere of the film. Isnt it 

a coincidence, his birthday is on the second day, and your premiere is also on the second day.” 

Time to Labor Day the day before

Tonight is the premiere of Starry Sky


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