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The Killer Queen with Multiple Disguises by Novia Ford novel Chapter 342

Chapter 342 

The past of Hedy and Andrew, arriving in country

When the word Hedy appeared in the list of Isabella exchange studentsat the University of Finance and Economics, Andrew, who was eating instant noodles at the hotel, took out his mobile phone and gave it to another country far away. Yana made a phone call

The target who looks like Lucifer is going to be an exchange student at Isabella University in country M. Are you going?See what Lucifer’s eyes look like!Yana s tone was very excited

Do you want to disguise your identity?” 

Forget it, Preston is very vigilant, you use Yana s identity, I will use Andrew s identity.Andrew He flicked the bucket of instant noodles in distaste twice, weakly

I haven’t gone out for a month to avoid the search of Preston’s men, and I either take out cheap takeout or instant noodles every day, and I’m about to vomit.You won’t tell me

you Don’t have money to eat Michelin?” 

It’s beyond the scope of delivery.” 

There was a pause, and then laughed loudly, Hahaha, who makes your cooking skills amazing, and the cakes you make can be used as hand. grenades.” 

You are amazing, let You cook a meal, and you burn the whole house down.” 

.beep beep.” 

After hurting each other, the other party chose to hang up

Andrew sneered victoriously, he didn’t want to eat instant noodles anymore, leaned back on the sofa, put his legs on the coffee table, lit a cigarette, but forgot to smoke it, and casually put it on the edge of the sofa

He felt that he was going to fall ill again, and the blood all over his body was screaming and boiling, pulling him to the underground iron cage that year

Inside the cage were a hundred children from two organizations

Both he and Lucifer were in it

They are a game played at the whim of the two bosses of the organization

One of the bosses said to the other boss, In a hundred children, only one can live. If my person lives to the end, you will buy me a glass of Raisel; if your person lives to the end, I will buy you a drink

A glass of Alika.” 

Ninetynine lives are equal to a glass of cheap wine

They are not greedy for alcohol, they just want that face

Okay.The other boss readily agreed and lit a cigar to watch the show

The fight in the cage begins

There were screams one after another, and the blood that flowed out could cover the little toe

He dodged back in horror, turned his head to look away, and saw a skinny little Asian girl

She also stood behind, but she didn’t hide behind, but stood behind from the beginning

She watched them kill each other indifferently, with no fear, no despair, no bloodlust, and no anger in her eyes

There is only a dead numbness, which is incompatible with everyone

Ah!A foreign boy with naturally curly blond hair and green pupils raised an ax and rushed towards him, thinking he could squeeze a soft persimmon

Perhaps it was because both of them had Asian blood, or maybe it was because he was desperate for everything in front of him

He bumped away the foreign boy and got into a fight with him

Others thought they could take advantage of it and wanted to sneak attack him, and he fell into a complete killing

When he reacted, there were only two people left in the cage

One is him and the other is a little Asian girl

Both were wounded and covered in blood

He didn’t expect her to survive to the end, and he was taken aback for


It was also in this moment of stupefaction that she rushed over, and the two of them fought together, surrounded by corpses that were losing their temperature

Just when the two were about to die together, one boss stood up

Stop, I think we can change the rules, how about two winners?The other boss also stood up, Good idea 

They are all good seedlings, and it would be a pity to diethe main reason is that they don’t know who will survive to the end

If someone from the other side died, they would never call to stop, for fear that it would be their own people who died

So, the game has two survivors

Boys and girls struggled to get up from the ground, and à gust of wind knocked them over

The bosses chat happily

Did you give him a code name?” 

No, what about her, does she have a code name?” 

Not just now, but now, it’s called Lucifer, the archangel who fell from heaven.” 

Good name, he also has a code name, My name is Michael, there is no fallen archangel, and they just happen to have yellow skin.” 


The two bosses smiled hypocritically, knowing that the other party wanted to fight with them

Lucifer (Lucifer) and Michael (Michael) are both angels recorded in the Christian Old Testament

We used to work together for the same master, but in the end swords 

turned against each other

The boy turned his head to look at the girl’s side face, and the whisper she just said was still circling in his mind

pretend to kill me

Yes, the death of the fish and the destruction of the net are staged, and the purpose is to make the two bosses regress

Later, they left with their respective bossesand parted ways

One claim to fame, louder than Lucifer, was Queen.” 

The other has also become the ace killer in the organization, with a reputation no less than Queen

Occasionally, the two will meet because of missions, and they will drink and talk like old friends, unfamiliar and familiar with each other

Oh no, she is the only stranger 

God knows how much he had to rack his brains in order to encounter” 

with her

The last time we met, he called out to her who was about to leave, feeling very nervous

I have two limited dessert coupons for the Royal Restaurant on which the sun never sets. When you come back from the mission, let’s try it together?” 

He knew he liked dessert cakes

It’s a pity that he really can’t cook


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