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The Killer Queen with Multiple Disguises by Novia Ford novel Chapter 345

Chapter 345 Hedy is wellbehaved and timid

Hedy sat quietly opposite Yana and Andrew

Andrew looked up at Hedy, frowned slightly, but smiled brightly on his face, Hello.” 

In this state, Hedy doesn’t look like Lucifer

Lucifer is colder and less human

Even when he smiled, there was no smile in his eyes

In other words, Hedy is too normal, not the same as Lucifer


eyes situation

of the two will be the same only when they are in a desperate 

About four minutes later, the class bell rang

The instructor walked into the classroom with Hedy, Andrew and Yana

Charles, who killed Hedy on the intranet, was also among them

Hello, everyone. (Hello, everyone.)” 

Hello, Ms. Eva. (Hello, Miss Eva)” 

After greeting, the tutor introduced the backgrounds of Hedy

Andrew and Yana respectively. Hedy is an exchange student

Yana and Andrew are transfer students

Among them, Hedy is the youngest, Andrew is a few years older than her, and Yana is the oldest, 28 years old. She said that she repeats too many grades, so she is old

The only thing the three of them have in common is their yellow skin

Even if the general environment is calling for no racial discrimination, racial discrimination is still widespread

White skin looks down on dark skin, and dark skin looks down on yellow skin

It is an indisputable fact that people of the yellow race are at the bottom of the chain of contempt

Therefore, when three people of yellow race stood on the stage, very few students started to roll their eyes 

After the teacher finished introducing the three of them, Hedy, Andrew, and Yana sat down in empty seats

Andrew took the initiative to sit next to Hedy for the task

Yana wants to watch the fun, so she sits next to her bad friend Andrew

On the podium, the teacher began to give a lecture

Students listened to lectures, ate food quietly, and some people used their mobile phones to send text messages. There were good students and bad students everywhere, regardless of nationality

Another white male student squeezed a ball of paper and threw it in front of Hedy, who looked the most bully

All three of Hedy were attracted and looked up at the white man

The white man shook his shoulders from side to side, turned his face to them, and showed off with a look that deserved a beating, Are all- the facial features of you yellow people so flat?” 


The classmate next to him snickered 

Charles frowned slightly, disapproving of this behavior

Hedy’s eyes were slightly cold

Yellow, black, and white races have different physical signs due to different growth environments

Most blacks have thick lips because they live in high latitudes, where the temperature is higher, and thick lips are good for heat dissipation

Most white people have high nose bridges because they live near the sea, where the temperature is low and the climate is dry. They need to use their noses to humidify and heat the air, otherwise they will frostbite their lungs

The appearance of the yellow race is also a natural evolution of human beings adapting to the environment

It is a very lowlevel and ignorant behavior to use these characteristics to satirize and despise others

Before Hedy could make a move, the grumpy Yana stood up, picked up the boxy stool, and threw a backhand at the provocative white man

Oh!The white man was so frightened that he blocked it with his hand, but he was not injured, and the stool hit the ground with a bang

The sound attracted everyone, including the mentor, to look this way

The eldest sister, Yana, shrugged innocently and spoke fluent English

Yes, the facial features of our yellow race are so flat. If there is another time, I don’t mind using my fists to make your facial features more threedimensional.The bullying white man 

directly Cowardly, I didn’t dare to say anything, I didn’t expect Yana to be so ruthless

Charles took the lead in clapping, and the friends whistled to applaud Yana s behavior

Colin, get out.The instructor quickly understood what happened, and asked the white man to go out and stand for punishment

A wellknown formal university like Isabella’s catches racial discrimination very hard, and they will be punished if they dare to make trouble

Class continues

Yana s behavior was successfully uploaded to the School net website vividly and vividly, becoming the second popular yellow person after Hedy

Soon, Andrew also gained popularity 

He sat between Hedy and Yana, with his outstanding facial features and the mole on his chin, he won the favor of many girls

At this moment, Andrew pretended that he was meeting Hedy for the first time, not knowing Hedy’s real strength, appearance and temper, and said with a friendly grin, Don’t 

be afraid, Hedy, we will protect you.” 

Thank you.Hedy responded lightly, opened the book and followed Attend lectures from instructors. Due to their popularity, many 

students came 

to the Industrial and Commercial College to watch Hedy

Andrew, and Yana after class. The nature is similar to watching monkeys in the zoo

At the same time, Charles also gathered a lot of people, including his football teammates and hot girls who came to strike up a conversation

Charles has just ended an unhappy and tiring relationship, and he does not want to invest in a new one for the time being. He wants to concentrate on studying and playing rugby, so he rejects the hot girl

The hot girl left with regret

Oh.Charlesblack teammate patted him on the shoulder, What’s wrong with you, brother, do you know how many people in our school want to sleep with her? She is really sexy!Charles smiled and didn’t 

want to 


“You are not stimulated by the nerd who rejected you, are you?Another teammate elbowed Charles

No.Charles was helpless, he just wanted to give up Debbie’s heart at that time, so he just pulled someone to deal with Debbie, and he didn’t really like that girl named Hedy

Thinking of Hedy, he instinctively looked in Hedy’s direction. Unlike 

the cheerful Andrew and the casual Yana, Hedy is buried in a book and occasionally pushes his blackrimmed glasses, which is a very nerdy behavior


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