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The Last Laugh novel Chapter 19


Monday at last. I woke up at five thirty. Work started at seven. I couldn't be late the first day.

I brushed my teeth, shaved my beard and lil mustache off a little, took a shower and got ready. I wore a grey suit. I sprayed some perfume, combed and arranged my hair before going downstairs.

I served myself an espresso and sat down to drink. I thought. Would I be meeting Heather? Would she recognise me? Because so far, none of them had recognised me.

Just thinking of her made me nervous. I hadn't been nervous in a long time. The Heather I saw on those pictures was so beautiful. I wondered what she would look like if she was in front of me.

I'd made out with a lot of girls but had never officially dated one. I'd tried but couldn't last in a relationship. Maybe because I always thought of my childhood, and the beautiful flower that made some part of it good.

I'd not only come to revenge. I'd come back for Heather. I promised I would. Had she forgotten?


Heather's POV:

I woke up at six on Monday morning. I was really tired. I was always late for work because I had a lot of my personal stuff to do. Plus, an advantage of working with your family was, you couldn't be fired.

I lazily got out of bed and went straight to Sawyer's room. She was worse than me. If I didn't wake her up, she might go to work at even ten.

I entered her room.

"Sawyer." I yawned, "Sawyer, get up." I shook her. She sighed and backed me. "Sawyer, mom's gonna be pissed."

"So?" she said, tired.

"Get up. I don't want her yelling. Do you?"

Sawyer opened her eyes.

"Probably not." she grumbled and sat up.

"Plus, you're in charge of showing the new employee around and his office."

"Oh! I forgot!" Sawyer jumped out of bed and ran straight into the bathroom.

My job done, I left her room.

I returned into mine and went to brush my teeth. I then went to the bedroom where I picked up my agenda to note an important meeting I should not forget.

Immediately I opened it, I fell on that picture. His picture. Sheridan at age eleven. My eyes watered. I had stolen that picture from his bag in the room he used to share with his dad. By then he'd already been sent to sleep in the stable. He looked happy on it. He had a bright smile as he posed with a brown horse.

Memories of the past returned. How much he'd suffered. Tears rolled down my cheeks. My mother was a wicked, selfish woman. And till date, my love for her had decreased. I'd become quite cold towards her. That company wasn't ours. The house wasn't ours.

I sobbed. Sheridan had never returned since the night he escaped. The sheriff had organised searches but he was no where to be found. Mom believed he was dead and that made her glad. I refused it! I refused to believe he was. He couldn't be.

I cried silently to myself. He had to come back. He had to! To get his property back! To get me!

Honestly, I'd lost hope. He was a childhood crush who'd disappeared. I wiped my tears away and closed the agenda. I had to get over him.


Ace's POV:

At seven, I was already at PW. I went straight to Christina's office.

"Good morning." I greeted her.

"Good morning, Ace. On time."

"As usual."

She smirked.

"Nice. Hope you'll be helpful to us as much as possible."

"I will."

"You will have to learn how to smile often too. Don't want you scaring clients and visitors away."

"I won't scare them away." I still didn't smile.

"Okay, then. Let me call Sawyer. She'll show you your office and around."

She picked up the office phone and called sawyer.


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