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The Lawyer’s Romance in Law novel Chapter 200

Chapter 200 You Jinx!

Elias held Aiden in his arms and was overwhelmed with emotions. He suddenly felt that his responsibilities had become even greater.

Amanda, who was beside him, spoke slowly. "Elias, you need to pull yourself together. There are still many things that require your attention. Grandpa loved you so much, and you must personally handle his funeral."

Tears shimmered in her eyes when she mentioned Howard.

She knew that Elias was currently the one suffering the most in the whole world. His beloved grandfather had passed away, leaving him struggling to accept it.

Especially with his father also gone, he was the only man left in the Winters Family. All the heavy burdens fell upon his shoulders.

She heard that he had locked himself in his room for a whole day and night, not eating or drinking and just numbing himself with alcohol.

Amanda could empathize with that feeling. It was like when her mother passed away…

Elias released his hold on his son and gently touched the soft little face while saying, "Good boy. I've failed you as your father."

Aiden didn't say anything. He just quietly looked at Elias.

He felt that his mommy was lying to him. She was just trying to comfort Elias.

"Take the child back to rest. I will pull myself together. I know how heavy my responsibilities are."

Amanda hesitated for a moment but nodded while taking her son's hand. "Say goodbye to Daddy. We're going back."

"Goodbye, Daddy." Aiden waved his hand.

The rotten heart in Elias' chest seemed to come back to life. He reached out and gently rubbed his son's little head. "Goodbye."

Amanda led her son out of the villa, but the little guy didn't show any joy in recognizing his father.

She found it strange. Even if there was no joy, why was there no surprise or rejection?

Could this little rascal have such a strong ability to accept new things?

"Aiden, I told you that Uncle Elias is your daddy. Aren't you surprised at all? You seem to have known already."

This three-year-old kid is too composed.

Aiden looked up at his mommy and said, "Nope. I knew you were lying. We were just comforting Uncle Elias. You told me before we came here that Uncle Elias is not in a good mood."

Amanda was startled speechless. So, this little brat thinks it's an act. She was unsure of how to explain to her son.

She crouched down while looking at her son's innocent face. "Aiden, I'm telling you the truth. I'm not joking or comforting Uncle Elias. Uncle Elias is really your daddy. He's the one you've been asking me about. Do you understand?"

Aiden stared at his mommy blankly. It took him a long time to react. His little mind was processing something, but she didn't know what it was.

Amanda started to panic. "Baby? What's wrong?"

Suddenly, Aiden pouted while looking very aggrieved. "Mommy, you're lying to me again. You told me that Daddy didn't want us and that he disliked us, which is why he left. However, Uncle Elias doesn't seem to dislike us. Instead, he likes us a lot…"

She was once again speechless.

"I'm sorry. It's my fault. I said bad things about your daddy because I was afraid that he would take you away, but now that he is facing the most difficult time, we should be there for him, right?"

She knew that she was delving into deep waters by having this conversation with a three-year-old, but she had no other choice.

Aiden stared at her for a while, said nothing, and quietly walked toward where the car was parked.

Amanda stood up and followed behind her son's small figure. This must be his true reaction. He couldn't easily accept that Elias was his biological father.

Three days later, at Howard's funeral.

The sky was gray and overcast, with dark clouds looming as if a heavy rainstorm could break out at any moment.


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