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The Lawyer’s Romance in Law novel Chapter 377

Chapter 377 Why Did He Mention a Child All of a sudden? 

“I am. You’re Mr. Lawrence, I assume? What brings you to me?” Amanda felt relieved that the meeting place was a restaurant and not a hotel room. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have come. 

Meanwhile, the man continued to examine her appearance. Judging from the smile on his lips, he seemed pretty satisfied. “I’m here to reclaim my child. As you should know, the Lawrence Family will never abandon their offspring.” 

When she heard that, she was completely dumbfounded. He’s tall and hot, but what is he talking about? Why can’t I understand a word? Why is he mentioning a child all of a sudden? 

“I’m sorry, but I don’t quite understand what you mean. Why would you come to me for a child? What child are you talking about? I don’t know you, so how would I know where your child is?” Puzzled by the man in front of her, she had the urge to leave immediately. 

The man, noticing her clueless expression, sneered. “Have you forgotten? Let me refresh your memory, then. Four years ago, I came to Cludan and stayed in this very hotel. You heard about my stay here, so you lurked in my room. Taking advantage of my drunken state, you slept with me and naturally became pregnant with my child. Then, you gave birth to a boy at Pleybia Hospital. Do you remember now?” 

Hearing his words, she became even more confused and furrowed her brows. She was almost on the verge of bursting into laughter due to the situation’s absurdity. As she leaned back in her seat, she said, “Mr. Lawrence, I can now confirm that you’ve made a mistake. I did not meet you four years ago. While it’s true that I spent four years abroad, I have never encountered you personally; I’ve only heard about you. This is the first time I have seen you in person, so the woman you’re talking about is probably not me, and I couldn’t have had your child.” 

After saying that, she stood up and grabbed her bag, preparing to leave. She didn’t want to get involved with this man, for he didn’t seem easy to deal with. 

However, just as she was about to turnaround and leave, the bodyguard stepped forward and blocked her path. “Miss Bailey, it’s better not to pretend anymore. My master has already investigated everything. You are the woman from before.” 

This voice… The same man has been calling me for the past few days. Amanda’s anger suddenly flared up. “It seems like you’re really an idiot. You can’t even get such a simple matter right. You haven’t investigated. anything! I am not the woman you’re looking for!” 

She pushed away the bodyguard’s arm and tried to leave, but he continued to block her. 

At this moment, she realized she might have fallen into a trap. 

Although they were in a restaurant, it was clear that no one dared come forward and intervene in the 


In the end, she had no choice but to take out her phone from her bag and call Yacob to resolve the situation. She was grateful now that Elias had left Yacob behind when he left, for Yacob was indeed useful at times like this. 

Yet, as soon as she took out her phone, the man standing up beside her snatched it away and looked at her with a cold expression. “I wanted to have a proper conversation with you, but since you’re not cooperating, I’ll have to consider other options.” 

“What are you trying to do? I’ve already told you that I’m not the person you’re looking for!” 



“Whether you are or not, it’s up to me to decide. Lawrence glanced at the bodyguard behind him. “Take her away. 

With that, the bodyguard roughly grabbed Amanda’s delicate arm, preventing her from struggling free. They then walked out of the restaurant while the man led the way. 

Although many people saw what was happening, no one dared to intervene. 

Late at night, after Yacob carried the sleeping Aiden back to his room, he left the rest to Colette at the Allegra Villa. When he passed by Amanda’s room, he glanced inside and thought, She must be asleep by now. I shouldn’t disturb her. 

Before he left the villa, he deliberately glanced at Amanda’s room on the upper floor. The lights are off. She’s probably asleep.Aiden’s room is also dark, so Mrs. Colette has probably left too. 

He planned to get some rest himself. It had been an exhausting day, and he had to wake up early tomorrow to accompany Aiden to kindergarten. 

Little did he know that Amanda was no longer at the Allegra Villa. Instead, she had been kidnapped by a stranger. 

As his final task of the day, he opened his WhatsApp and reported to Elias. ‘Both Aiden and Miss Bailey, are asleep. With that, he considered today’s tasks complete. 

Meanwhile, in Esmos, Elias was in a meeting, listening to the tedious reports at the conference table. 

Suddenly, his phone vibrated, so he picked it up and took a glance. When he saw Yacob’s report, a smile formed on his lips. He needed to see that message every day to feel at ease. 

After that, he immersed himself back into work. 

Just then, his beautiful blonde secretary brought him a cup of coffee and said in broken Corynthean, “Here you go.” 

“Thank you.” 

In fact, Elias understood her intentions. She had been deliberately trying to get closer to him these past few days, seeking his attention. He had grown tired of it. 

After he beckoned with his finger, the bodyguard approached him, leaning closer to his ear. “Yes, Mr. Winters?” 

“Keep that woman away from me. She wears too much perfume.” 


In no time, the blonde woman hovering around him was kicked out of the meeting room. Before leaving. she cast a lingering look at Elias, seemingly expressing her dissatisfaction with his lack of interest. 


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