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The Lawyer’s Romance in Law novel Chapter 402

Chapter 402 The Majestic Appearance of Mr Winters

“Speed up and catch up with the car in front, Elias commanded the driver.

The driver nodded and said, “Understood.”

Thus, the two cars commenced a pursuit, one trailing the other.

Melissa quickly noticed that a car was following her, and to her surprise, it was Elias’ cart

She immediately panicked and tried to shake off the pursuing car, but it continued to follow closely behind her. It wasn’t until the next traffic light that she intentionally timed to pass on the green, leaving the car behind trapped at the red signal.

Seeing that she had shaken off Elias’ car, Melissa smiled victoriously and let out a sigh of relief.

Inside the car, Elias wore a grim expression as he issued another command to the driver, “Head to the Sweusia Residence.”

He remembered that this woman had rented a place there.

The driver drove him to the residential area. Elias went to the seventeenth floor and pressed the doorbell, but he did not receive any response.

At that moment, a neighbor from the adjacent apartment opened his door and asked. “Excuse me, are you looking for the person living across from me?”

“Yeah, is she not at home?” Elias turned back and asked.

The neighbor kindly reminded him, “A beautiful woman rented the place a few days ago, but she suddenly moved out recently, so the house is empty again.”

Moved out?

Elias narrowed his eyes slightly. Melissa must be hiding something.

Otherwise, why would she be in such a hurry to move out? Was it because he discovered something?

At the Allegra Villa.

Today was the day for divorce negotiations. Jack had called a lawyer, intending to finalize the divorce agreement today, of course, under the condition that Crispin was obedient.

Stephanie hid in her room because she didn’t want to face Crispin.

Jack had summoned Amanda back too because she was also a lawyer. He wanted her to listen in and analyze the situation for him.

He only trusted his people now.

Upon Amanda’s arrival at the Allegra Villa with Aiden, Mrs. Allegra took Aiden to play in the garden. She didn’t want to face this situation as she was both disheartened and troubled.

Therefore, the divorce negotiations with Crispin involved only Jack, Amanda, and the lawyer.


Crispin arrived at the Allegra Villa on time and was led by the louder to th

“Dad, I’m on time, but where’s Stephanie for this divorce talk! After all about cam iniritage Erigine true nature emerged, discarding his previous genteel demean and behaving more like a rotten

Jack was growing exasperated just seeing him. “Stephanie doesn’t want now your We or handling this matter on her behalf

Hmph she used to love me so much, but now that were divorced, des not even here Lace dors disappear, huh” Crispin sat down in the chair opposite Jack, crossing his legs.

Jack glanced at the lawyer, and the lawyer took out the pre prepared divorce agreement and handed a over Mr. Coyote, please read the divorce agreement carefully. If you have no objections, please sign your



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