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The Lawyer’s Romance in Law novel Chapter 471

Chapter 471 I’ll Deal With You When I Return 

In other words, Rosie didn’t return home that morning and then appeared at a cafe at 2:30 p.m. So, the kidnapping must have taken place between the afternoon and evening. 

Elias looked at Amanda and asked, “Which cafe was it?” 

“It’s the Lily Cafe on Tessin Road.” 

After getting the name, Elias immediately picked up his phone and dialed the bodyguard’s number, giving orders, “Go to the Lily Cafe and check the surveillance footage from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. Rosie went to that cafe.” 

“Yes, Mr. Winters.” 

After hanging up the phone, Elias returned to reality and looked at Amanda, asking, “Why did you go to that cafe?” 

“I… went to meet a friend.” 

She chose to keep the phone call from the stranger a secret. After all, she had no evidence and hadn’t even seen the man. Even if she told Elias, he might not believe her. 

Elias let out a disdainful laugh. “A friend… Are you talking about Simon Nicholson? I interrupted your date yesterday, and you two made up for it today while I wasn’t home. You two seem quite close.” 

“That’s nonsense!” 

“You shouldn’t have let him send you home. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have known about date today,” Elias mocked her, clearly showing his jealousy. 

“Elias, you’ve gone too far. Today, I…” 


She stopped halfway through her sentence, suddenly realizing that Rosie appeared at that cafe before she was kidnapped. How could there be such a coincidence? Could the stranger who called her today want to kidnap her but mistook Rosie for her? It seemed possible. 

“Why did 

you stop? I’d like to hear the rest of your explanation.” Amanda suddenly became serious and asked Elias, “Are you sure that the person who kidnapped Rosie is your enemy? 1 also received a call from a stranger today, asking me to go to the Lily Cafe. Could the kidnapper who wanted to kidnap me mistook Rosie for me?” 

“What happened? Who called you?” 

It was an unknown number that I didn’t recognize However, the guy told me he wanted me 


to be his defense lawyer and described a very brutal case. I couldn’t refuse him, so I agreed meet with him and thought about handing the case over to Simon, but he said he had neve heard of such a case and thought I might be tricked. That’s why he appeared at the cafe. H was there to protect me, afraid that something might happen to me.” 

After Amanda finished speaking, instead of understanding her, Elias became even angrier and sarcastically said, “So, when encountering such a situation, the first person you think of is not your husband, but your former colleague? Are you sure our relationship was harmonious before my car accident?” 

“I… Can you 

be more reasonable? Simon is a lawyer. Since I can’t take this case right now, of course, I would hand it over to him. You’re not a lawyer, so what’s the use of coming to you for this kind of thing?” 

Amanda was furious. The man was deliberately picking a fight. 

Right then, the bodyguard called, and Elias answered the call. “Speak!” 

The bodyguard on the other end of the line reported, “Mr. Winters, we checked the surveillance footage. Miss Momsey did enter that cafe but left around 3 p.m. We don’t know where she went after that, and the street surveillance didn’t capture her figure.” 


After hanging up the phone, Elias fell silent. They were stuck in a dead end again. 

A while later, Elias looked at Amanda and said, “Let me see the unknown number that called you today.” 

The kidnapper’s phone couldn’t be reached now, and he wanted to see if the phone number Amanda received was the same as the one he received. 

Amanda took out her phone and showed him the phone number. After looking, Elias realized it was not the same number. 

That meant the kidnapper might have used a different phone number for each call, which meant that locating him would be meaningless. 

Boris walked in and said, “Mr. Winters, Mr. Momsey is here. He said he has something to discuss with you. I couldn’t stop him, and he insisted on coming in… 

Before he finished speaking, Taylor’s voice had already entered the living room. Elias. I have the cash ready Did you receive the call 

Taylor walked nuo the living room anxiously and noticed that Amanda was also present so be restrained himself a luule 

Glancing at Boris, Elias said, “You can leave. We do have something to discuss.” 

“Yes, Mr. Winters.” 

Boris left the living room and asked the cleaning maid to leave too. 

Suddenly, the phone on the coffee table vibrated as a call came in. 

The three of them looked at the phone vibrating on the coffee table at the same time. Taylo urged, “Answer it quickly. It might be the kidnapper. Looking at the time, he might be callin to give us the location.” 

Elias answered the call and put it on speakerphone. The stranger’s voice came from the othe end. “Elias, is the money ready? I’ve given you plenty of time, and the amount of money I asked for is nothing to you.” 

“Stop talking nonsense. The money is ready. Where do we make the exchange? If you’re onl in it for the money, I suggest that you not harm Rosie. Let me warn you, if she loses a single strand of hair, her brother will never forgive you.” 

Amanda found it strange when she heard Elias’ words. Why would he mention Taylor at suc a moment? Clearly, the kidnapper was his enemy, so why would they be afraid of Taylor? 


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